2008 was not a good year for me
Went from corporate to a struggling freelancer
Went from happily single to wanting consistent affection from a man
Went from taking 3 big vacations a year to 1 big one (Hawaii baby) and a couple random US cities (Chicago - twice, and ATL); I love to travel so this depressed me the most of the 3...
I know some are saying... boo hoo... it could be worse... and I know that and am forever thankful for what I was blessed with this year, but I know this year was a challenge for me for a reason. A year to humble me, and help me to put things into perspective, and really be able to appreciate all the wonderful things that are to come.
I know some are saying... boo hoo... it could be worse... and I know that and am forever thankful for what I was blessed with this year, but I know this year was a challenge for me for a reason. A year to humble me, and help me to put things into perspective, and really be able to appreciate all the wonderful things that are to come.
The Shine will be mine in '09
I've been saying this to myself ever since my birthday in May when I first started feeling things were heading toward a steady down slide for me. I had an intuition that the rest of my year was going to be a tough one. So I embraced everything that came my way knowing that it was getting me one step closer to my triumphs in the new year.
This was well before I knew that 2009 would also bring us our 1st black president, but for me that just solidified what a great year 2009 is going to be. I can feel it in my bones and I can't wait to experience the great things the Lord is going to bestow upon my life.
First blessing came before the year even ended and that's because on monday my website finally went up and is running. Check me out if you get a minute!
I'm with you. Cheers to you and New Beginnings in '09.
Here's to a better '09 for the both of us! It's our time! I feel it!!
Happy New Year To You Too, Eb..
So glad I got to Cyber Meet you this year!
Yeah, it's always great when the new year arrives, gives you a time to reflect and then progress and move forward; a fresh start.
Congratulations on launching your website hun, I'm proud of you and the success you've had w/ your business and will continue to have for years to come Eb.
You've been an inspiration to me as a blogger and as a businessman, so continue to keep shining your light down upon others in '09 sweetheart!
I saw the website and I'm soooo proud of you! Can't wait to see what you accomplish in the New Year!
Raising my glass to a better year...Happy '09 to you.
cheers Eb!
wishing you a good year as we head in to 2009.
i'm headed over to check out the new spot! congrats :)
2008 sucked for me too Eb. With my Dad passing in April...the rest of my year just had a big ole heartbreaking monkey wrench thrown in it. I was CRUSHED beyond words.
I'm so looking forward to 2009. I hope you have a super blessed and fun New Year!
Eb check the link that you have on this post linking it to the web page. i found it but i had to take out the www.blogger.com that was in front of the link.
Congrats on the website!!
Hope 2009 is a happy & blessed yr for u!
Ohhh...Eb...I'm facebook challenged so idk how to add u:(
I'm getting an error 404 message when I attempt to check out your website...
Just wanted to say I hope that 09' brings you everything 08' didn't.
Have a happy one Eb!! :-)!
Ms. B
Happy new year 2 ya love.
May 2009 bring you great works in ya life, and continue 2 do ya thing.
1 luv
Happy New Year!!!
Happy new years
Yay, you're a may baby too?
Oooo, something about that picture just captured me. I felt the love and tasted the champagne!
I hope that you have a good one....and hit up an airline in the '09.
Check your link to the site. It's got some addt'l stuff in there.
Happy New Year!
Get ya shine on!
Happy New Year!
congrats on getting your website up and running.
Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
i hear ya girl. 2008 just wasn't that great for me. nothing horrible happened but it just wasn't really my year...here's to '09 for both of us to get our shine on!
happy new year!
Happy New Year Eb....I'll make sure i'm shinin in 09
Happy New Year Eb!!!
HOpe you have a great New years!!! ;)
You are in good company. 2008 was a whopper of angst and other situations that I'm ready to put behind me.
I wish you great success with your ventures. I know with a great mind as yours you can only be successful. Have a great 2009. I think I'm going to take your mantra and run with it... I plan on shinning too.
Wishing you well. I'll toast to you at midnight.
Happy New Year Eb!! I'm sure God has awesome things in store for you in 09!!!!
Be Blessed!
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year EB! See ya in 2009!
@One Ten - Awweee... that was so sweet!
@Sexxy Luv - Thx for the heads up
@Ms. behavin - I changed the link... sorry about that... blogger acting a fool as usual
@RealHustla - Glad you felt it!
@urban Thought - Same 2 U...
Happy new year everybody!!!
happy new.ness day, Eb
Yes, this year will be better in all ways. Amen sis
All the best to you girl!!! But I have to disagree... Bump the corporate world - I am all about the Freelance life!
OH... and I love the new mix!!
I'm hella late but happy new year, beautiful!!!
Happy New Year Diva!! Remember, "you have what you say" so yes the SHINE WILL BE YOURS IN 2009!!
I really enjoy reading your blog! " 08" was crappy, but 2009 is going to be amazin...
Happy New Year.
I know that 2009 will be good to you.
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