"I think a lot of people have lost respect for the individual, you know, the individual, the person who doesn't conform."
-Erykah Badu
Here are a couple pics of me and the peeps at the show

Karrie B. has officially become like my new lil sis. I was running a little late so she saved seats for me and my roomie
Here are a couple pics of me and the peeps at the show
Karrie B. has officially become like my new lil sis. I was running a little late so she saved seats for me and my roomie
I love NYC bloggers... gotta give a shout to The F*&K it List because she was out there too but couldn't find parking so turned around and went home. Another shout goes to Dollface who came out but the line was too long so she bounced. Next week get there early ladies. Jill Scott so you know its going to be bananaz.
All in all it was a great night in BK!
I freakin' love FREE summer concerts in NYC!!!
All in all it was a great night in BK!
I freakin' love FREE summer concerts in NYC!!!
LOVE ur dress. so what's ur full name
You are so stingy
You look so pretty, dress is hot.
And Badu said it best with that quote...people will confirm most quickly for couple of bucks though.
Dress is beautiful and comfortable looking.
KB is a gem.
Well, gotdamn, I want a free concert.
And I love that quote by e. Badu.
Looks like you had a Great time!!!! I wish I could've been there.
Looks like you had a great time as usual mama. I haven't been to free concert in so long girl! So I know it was a treat and with good music on top of that!
Love the quote!
can we get some free concerts down here in atlanta?? i'm not talkin about hannah montana, either
cute dress
did this heffa say free??? i'm SO jealous!
if some free concerts jump off on the weekend i would surely hope in my car and drive to nyc STAT!
erykah is phenomenal!! i saw her at radio city a couple months ago n didn't want the show to end. i just heard about the jill scott concert. i'm trying to get to bk for that one.
btw...that dress is very pretty.
Hey, thanks for letting me know about the concert. I did make it over to Brooklyn and was able to see Badu. I think watching the crowd was just as interesting as watching the concert (I'm a serial people watcher). But it was hot, met some cool people, heard some hot music, overall had a good time. Hope u have a blessed day.
Girl I am loving that dress!!!
numba 1, take off the dress and mail it to meantown, stat! it is fireee!
E. badu is my forever. dope.dope.dope.
You looked fierce! as usual. Those little fold up chairs did not do you justice. Did you tell them Eb was coming? God, when will they get a clue?
I heard you were up in there... wasn't she great? I was going to leave after a couple of songs because I was just not feeling well, but she put out a cool vibe. I had to stay...
we need to coordinate for Jilly, because I REFUSE to miss out!
@ hey! - Eb the Celeb is my full name...lol
@ E - I love you soooooooo much!
@kyle - I went to a free concert in ATL before. Last year on 4th of july... there was this huge carnival downtown and Ruben Studdard performed... they should definitely be doing more with that space... it was great
@k.- Central park concerts are free on sunday afternoons... not sure what the line-up is for the rest of the summer though
@hydepark - glad you were able to make it... there were some characters out there... did you see that lady that thought she was badu with the huge kinky afro wig on... that was too funny... you have a blessed rest of the week as well
@realhustla - LOL, I may look like a diva but I truly am not... I had my blanket all with me just in case I had to sit on the grass to watch Erykah for free...lol
@everybody - thx for the love on the dress... it made me feel like a queen! May have to change my alias to Queen Eb. j/k
@Jaded... we definitely have to coordinate for Jilly... I'll be in touch!
Ya'll were killing it in them dresses! Too cute! And you and KB's pic is the hotness!
so much fun to be had in NYC...and I've never been. Don't judge me. And Miss Badu is right....people fear what's different from the norm, and of course fear begins disrespect, name-calling, negative attitudes and all kinda stuff like that there.
I had a blast out in BK last night! Ms. Badu always comes with the real. I have to see her every time she comes to NY.
It was great that we finally got to meet - actually Liryc found you and that was a miracle with the thousands of folks out there.
Hope to see you next week for Jill Scott!
Eb... that dress is FIRE! Work it!!!!! U sure ur not a fashion stylist on the low? LOL.
i'd love to go to the one of these concerts. jill scott is love <3
let me know addresses if you don't mind.
i love your blog!
Badu is the truth and I feel her oh so much since New Amerykah dropped, you know where she is in her life right now. I guess its that mid thirties swagger a woman gets when she just knows who she is and NOBODY can take her shine away.
I am so jealous cause I KNOW she was DA TRUTH!
Your dress was FIYAH too loves it!
That dress is really nice.....
Damn can we get a free concert in DC? all we got is free museums.
Eb that dress is so ca-yute! I want to see Erykah oh so bad :(
YOUR DRESS!!!!!!!! SO PRETTY IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY. I'm also a little hormonal right now but that doesn't take fire from your dress!
So jealous of the free concerts.
Loving the dress, I have one exactly like that but it's green.
Cheers to Karrie B. for saving you seats.
CUTE DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Love Love the dress! You know I've never seen her in concert? I have all of her cds--what the h*ll am I doing? And she was in DC this summer, but I think I was going out of town or something. Darn.
one of the reasons I truly miss home..
that is all.
I am LOVIN' your dress.
Thanks for the shout out, so mad I couldn't get a parking space.
Jill Scott will be different I have an appt early and I just won't be coming back to the office. Its SERIOUS! I hope we can all make it out again.
So Next Sunday who is NY is coming out to Habana Outpost for brunch? ( I need to stop planning all these places to eat, hahah)
i LOVE your dress!! and wtf??! free concerts in the park with ppl that huge?!!! ugggggh im hating!! lolol!
a free summer concert with ms. badu - loves it. so jealous.
@Chris - We gotta get you up to the big apple ASAP
@msknowitall- yeah... I cannot believe that I was spotted... that is truly a gift.. my own friend couldnt even find me...lol
I will definitely be there next week doing it all over again
@Resa - girl... I aint even that stylish... I find something that's cute and pray that it works for me... I could never do that for someone else and it turn out right... but thx for the compliment
@justine - next week jill scott is in the smae place... wingate field in Brooklyn... its on Winthrop st... and the other free shows take place in Central park... you can enter at 72 and Central Park West and walk around to the field
@traveldiva- you have to see her live... it is truly an experience... she is amazing!
@F it list - girl... you know I dont turn down food... what time... I usually get out of church around 1
@everyone - again thanks for all the love on my dress... ya'll all making me cyber blush and ish!
Nice pics EB, lovin that dress. I'm jealous though...free concerts???
love the dress!!!! FAB honey!
Please excuse me if this comment shows up twice...I was just on your page a few minutes ago but my internet tripped out on me :(
Anyhooo - I MUST see Ms. Badu in concert one of these days. I can't believe I have never went out to see her in all of these years. Especially because I played the death out of that Live CD she made. lol
And I'm lovin' the dress! :) ttyl
I so wanted to go to this concert....but...packing and shit...it's digusting...packing that is.
I purposely waited until August to move...so I wouldn't miss summer in NYC....nothing better.
Gld you had fun...and you look GOOT!
your dress is gorgeous! so comfortable and summery...i know you had mega fun! cute pics!
Damn that made me homesick.
U look so fly in that dress!!!!
love love love it!
Nno..it's not about getting there early...I will just plan to go by myself:)
You looked good!
@Dollface - Yes my bad... I should have said the people you were with didn't want to stand in the line... next week... roll with me!
i LOVE erykah.
and you look absolutely stunning.
i mean *whew*
Love the pics woman!! Looks like I need to move to NYC to see a free concert!! Those are AMAZING artists!!!
You love concerts, period, woman. LOL
Aaaweee thx Mr. Soulful
@dana - i know right... this probably has been the best line up yet
@one man - yeah you right... but they are better when they are FREE...lol
Beautiful Dress! Luck you, I still have yet to see my girl Badu live, :(
FREE!? UGH! I hate you......no really...
Girl I love that dress. Looks like y'all had a good time.
Girl, Your Cut is Sharp! Stop by Organize Kaos , all divas welcomed. I've added blog to my blog list.
That's a GREAT dress!
I saw Erykah back when the first album was out, way back in 1998! She and Sleepy Brown gave a show at Georgia State. One of the best concerts I've ever been to. Now you got me wanting to go again!
Eb that dress is HOT!!! I love it!!!
i almost lost my voice singing bag lady, lol...
good shit.
I am absolutely IN LOVE with that dress.
you betta work it out girl!
Cute dress, go ahead and send it down to TX...you know you're only going to wear it once anyhoo, lol.
Love the dress, the Badu, and the KB
That is a really cute dress and accessories. you're going have to event tag all your hot outfits and put up for your children in chest and tell em "This what yA momma wore to the Erykah Badu, Alicia Keys, Jill scott...on and on
Or you could do like Kamora Lee and puts take pictures of your outfits and shoes...lol
that would make a kool scrape book. just food for thought.
You look HOT Mama! You were working that dress.
pretty dress love
I'm still searching for the individuality of me.
Cute dress!!
Erykah Badu.. Free concert.. Jil Scott next week.. You killin the dresss. I miss my city.. I bet she broke that shit down to where it would neva-eva would have to be broke no mo!!..
They stepin the free concert game up every summer as of late...
@Keli - I am NOT a real celeb... I will definitely be wearing that dress again... I may not take pics in it ever again... but I definitely will be wearing it again...lol
@mysTery - girl me too... it constantly changes... that's why I just went ahead and adopted the term renaissance
I want that dress!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just gone go ahead and get in line with everybody else who wants dibbs on that dress.
Love it!!!
I LUVVVVVV that dress homie!!!
i was there 2!!!lol!
she's my fave
u look great! :)
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