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And since we're empowering women and whatnot... the future 1st lady's speech from last night

And since we're empowering women and whatnot... the future 1st lady's speech from last night
Michelle Obam is offically the sexiest woman alive.
Next to you of course Eb.
i wanna be like Michelle! Dayum! That woman is awesome.
oh, and as a cancer survivor (1 year), i think the song is great!
Michelle was awe inspiring! Moved to tears at a few points.
did you get the invitation for brunch?
She will bring class and beauty to the White House that Hillary or Laura just didn't bring.
This woman is amazing.
Loved Michelle's speech last night and her brother's intro.
BTW, I tagged you on my site; stop by when you get a chance.
michelle was awesome! homegirl had me crying during the speech. her daughters are the cutest.
Hey Eb, seen your blog on a few of my BlogFam pages, so I'm checking you out.
Michelle is the BOMB!
She and Obama compliment eachother so well. Her speech was better then Hillarys!
Love the song! Michelle's speech was amazing...inspiring isn't even the word
U know I wrote about her in Jan he has a Coretta.
She was simply beautiful. She will make a great first lady. And their family is too cute!
Michelle killed it.!!!
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