I saw this on someone's blog a week or two ago and can't remember who it was... I switched the swag up a big on it anyway... because ya'll know how I do... added and subtracted a couple...
1. What is your favorite song to have sex to?
2. What is your drag name ?
Tootie... my dad used to call me that growing up and IDK why but if I had to be all dragalicious (in the words of The Karrie B.) it just seems like it would fit me best.
3. In the film made of your life, who will play you?
I am torn when it comes to this question. It would be a toss up between Nia Long and Tasha Smith.

I know me and Nia don't look anything alike but I love her spunk, her swag, she is gorgeous, and rocks the short cut like no other chick. She is truly my girl crush, and I felt her anguish in Love Jones. But, she's a lil too short to play me and that's why Tasha Smith may work a little better. She has that perfect shade of chocolate like myself, the attitude, the drive... I just love me some Tasha Smith. I was drawn to her from the first time I saw her and then when I got a million calls after Why did I get Married? came out with everyone I know telling me I act just like the character she played, that really sealed the deal.
Now since I haven't done a RBW spotlight post in a while... and because I love looking at both these ladies (I know a lil gay right) I am going to take a little break from the questions and posts some pictures and a little info on what they have going on right now.
Nia Long recently signed on to her first (correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is) animated role in the "Family Guy" spin-off "The Cleveland Show." The show scheduled to premiere early next year, will follow Cleveland (Peter Griffin's neighbor) to Virginia where he is moving to be with his high school sweetheart and her children. Long will be the voice of Roberta, one of the stepchildren.

Tasha Smith is co-starring in the new movie The LongShots alongside Ice Cube and young RBW KeKe Palmer (whom I also love). In theaters today!

She hosts acting workshops to give advice and direction to some up and comers on how to hone their craft. My roommate, who is an aspiring actress, just got back from the workshop she did in Atlanta and felt she really got a lot out of it. We talked for a long time about everything she learned and I almost felt like I wanted to go just to be in her presence and feel the realness and I have no desire at all to be an actress. If you are interested you can go to her website to get more info www.tsaw.com
4. What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
Patience. I live by this conversation from Love Jones...
Nina Mosley: You always want what you want when you want it. Why is everything so urgent with you?
Darius Lovehall: Let me tell you somethin'. This here, right now, at this very moment, is all that matters to me. I love you. That's urgent like a motherfucker.
...and tend to cut people off when they can't keep up... instead of being patient.
5. What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
myspace - Eb the Celeb has reached the age of enlightenment and some people just don't measure up anymore
facebook - Eb the Celeb is encouraging some people to fall back that are trying to be in my front row
1. What is your favorite song to have sex to?
2. What is your drag name ?
Tootie... my dad used to call me that growing up and IDK why but if I had to be all dragalicious (in the words of The Karrie B.) it just seems like it would fit me best.
3. In the film made of your life, who will play you?
I am torn when it comes to this question. It would be a toss up between Nia Long and Tasha Smith.

I know me and Nia don't look anything alike but I love her spunk, her swag, she is gorgeous, and rocks the short cut like no other chick. She is truly my girl crush, and I felt her anguish in Love Jones. But, she's a lil too short to play me and that's why Tasha Smith may work a little better. She has that perfect shade of chocolate like myself, the attitude, the drive... I just love me some Tasha Smith. I was drawn to her from the first time I saw her and then when I got a million calls after Why did I get Married? came out with everyone I know telling me I act just like the character she played, that really sealed the deal.
Now since I haven't done a RBW spotlight post in a while... and because I love looking at both these ladies (I know a lil gay right) I am going to take a little break from the questions and posts some pictures and a little info on what they have going on right now.
Nia Long recently signed on to her first (correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is) animated role in the "Family Guy" spin-off "The Cleveland Show." The show scheduled to premiere early next year, will follow Cleveland (Peter Griffin's neighbor) to Virginia where he is moving to be with his high school sweetheart and her children. Long will be the voice of Roberta, one of the stepchildren.

Tasha Smith is co-starring in the new movie The LongShots alongside Ice Cube and young RBW KeKe Palmer (whom I also love). In theaters today!

She hosts acting workshops to give advice and direction to some up and comers on how to hone their craft. My roommate, who is an aspiring actress, just got back from the workshop she did in Atlanta and felt she really got a lot out of it. We talked for a long time about everything she learned and I almost felt like I wanted to go just to be in her presence and feel the realness and I have no desire at all to be an actress. If you are interested you can go to her website to get more info www.tsaw.com
OK now back to the questions
4. What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
Patience. I live by this conversation from Love Jones...
Nina Mosley: You always want what you want when you want it. Why is everything so urgent with you?
Darius Lovehall: Let me tell you somethin'. This here, right now, at this very moment, is all that matters to me. I love you. That's urgent like a motherfucker.
...and tend to cut people off when they can't keep up... instead of being patient.
5. What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
myspace - Eb the Celeb has reached the age of enlightenment and some people just don't measure up anymore
facebook - Eb the Celeb is encouraging some people to fall back that are trying to be in my front row
Now your turn to answer the 5 questions...
Have a great weekend everybody!
Girl I would most DEF go see your movie if Nia Long or Tasha Smith is in it. I love both of these ladies.
Thanks for the questions. I'm going to do this later today. Have a good weekend.
I looove Nia Long. She is beautiful and talented. And Tasha Smith seems like she could be real down-to-earth. Loves her too!
Chile, I'm with you on the "cutting people off" bit. I need to work on that too.
Have a wonderful upcoming weekend!
I have a crush on Nia Long too!
Yea I love Nia, I just wish she was in more dramatic roles. I'm from the same hometown as Tasha Smith..I think my mom and aunts even went to school with her.
Have a good weekend! I'm off to do these ?'s
What is your favorite song to have sex to?
Nothing Has Ever Felt Like This – Will Downing and Rachelle Ferrell
What is your drag name?
I take it this is different from my stripper name……LOL
In the film made of your life, who will play you?
I’m gonna say Regina Hall (King’s Ransom, First Sunday and Scarey Movie….to name a few). She can be funny and still serious.
What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
I would like to be more social.
What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
Peace, Blessings and Laughs
I'm going to have to watch Love Jones again, cause y'all be quoting that like it's the Gospel. It was a good movie.
Nice answers, I'll post this, have a good weekend.
haha its amazing to see other ppl lovin Nia Long as much as i do!! she's my girl crush too...she's so gorgeous and classy and talented and ALWAYS looks on point...and she doesn't age lol
do people still have sex to music??? lmao!!! i've been married for 8 yrs. don't have time for music!!!
jussss kiddn
love nia long!!!!
i gotta watch love jones this weekend. must see tv
Favorite song to have sex to
Hmmm that would be " The OOOOH AAAAH WAIT WAIT WAIT Ahhhhhh song"
What is your drag name ?
In the film made of your life, who will play you?
Taye Diggs. If he said no then Romany Malco
What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
My pessimistic attitude I'm always prepared for the worst to happen. It drives my girlfriend crazy...
What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
Don't have one anymore,but when I did it said" Say sumthin fool!"
Nia Long is so old school. lol I still think Love Jones and Soul Food. Tasha do got that spunk though...yeah I can't wait to see if they put as much into the spinoff as the real deal...
Nia could get it.
Awww! I miss Nia, too!! Glad she's attached to a new project.
What is your favorite song to have sex to?
Say It by Ne-Yo; at least this week it is lol
What is your drag name?
a drag name? I don't know... Titty Gonzalez?? LMAO!!!
In the film made of your life, who will play you?
I'd say Rosario Dawson, 'cause she kinda reminds me of my sister and the characters she has played seem on par with me for the most part.
What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
I want to be more patient.
What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
I don't use them anymore, so I really don't know what they say anymore lol!
1)fav song to have sex to:
anything maxwell
2)what is your drag name?
luscious chocohoneylegs
2)in the film made of your life, who will play you?
she hasn't been born yet
3)what is one thing that you would change about yourself?
i wish i was a little more risky/adventurous
4)What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
myspace:refining my friends list to people i know - nothing personal
my cousin set up my myspace page
but i don't want to make friends on there.i got this weird message from some1 i chose to add b/c i saw he was an artist, so i deleted him and the other dude i didn't know.something about people i don't know gaping at my pics makes me uncomfortable....
I have a girl crush on Nia Long. She would be the one. I started noticing Tasha after watching The Corner. She played the hell out of a smart mouth crackhead.
......Shhhhh! You're not the only one. I absolutely love Nia Long and I have a girl crush on her too! Til this day I can literally watch Love Jones like Back to Back. That's one of the greatest black films made ever.Lorenz's sexy ass needs to do a new movie
nia IS my girl.....i'm also sooo stealing this....look for it *smile*
1. "I Belong to You" by Brian McKnight or "Seconds of Pleasure" by Van Hunt. I would susupect "Love Drug" by Raheem DeVaughn but I haven't had a chance to test it out as of yet.
2. Alexxus Foxx, IDK where that came from, it just sounds like a drag queen.
3. Hmmmm, that would be a boring ass movie, but I'd have to say Jilly from Philly. She can really peel away the layers that are my personality.
4. I tend to bore easily. If I am at a job or doing anything for too long, I start to get bored. My siblings seem to think that I change jobs every two years.
5. Tiffany is wondering who chose this profession for her. ~Facebook~
i cant wait to do this post! and i love both actresses you chose to play you. i can totally see it.
drag name is fierce bitch.
@ Rich - yes its the relationship bible...lol
@kyle - yes... I even have a playlist dedicated to it on my ipod called sexcapades and its the bizness... I've even got a compliment or two on the rotation... thank you very much
@Slish - boy you know you silly...
I've never had the pleasure of hearing that song since "wait" never comes out my mouth... wait did I say that out loud...lol; see your a bad influence
@Jaded - Ne-Yo say it is on my list too
I can see the Tasha Smith, but i always got a Tamala Jones vibe from you
I love how you did this.
Amazing. You be coming up with some good surveys.
Good looks.
i LOVE nia long- great minds think alike...i just included her in a recent post of mine. just gorgeous. i most definitely am going to do these 5 questions and link to ya - this is great.
1. What is your favorite song to have sex to?
heatwave -star of the story (or)
art of noise - moments in love
2. What is your drag name ?
3.In the film made of your life, who will play you?
sanaa lathan
4. What is one thing that you would change about yourself?
learn to trust people around me
5.What's your status message on your preferred social networking site?
blog: game so tight they call it virgin
facebook: Im watchinh vr troopers,beastwars,and picky and the brain while eating fruitrolls
I think you're such a tasha smith type of girl...she'd play the hell outta you!
Those are two great choices for people to play you. Nia Long is so gorgeous and classy....and Tasha Smith seems so down-to-earth and real. As far as the favorite song to have sex to, you couldn't have picked a better track. I remember when she performed that in concert...all I can say is MERCY!!!!!!!!! LOL. I think I'm going to use this little questionnaire on my blog soon....
Hey Eb...here goes:
1. My favorite song to have sex to is N/A. I've been celibate since Jan. '07 and when I finally do have sex again, I won't have time for music, LOL!
2.My drag name would be Tiger Lily because I'm strong like a tiger and soft and beautiful as a lily.
3. In my bio pic, I think I would like Queen Latifah to play me.
4. The one thing I would change about myself is my drive...I can be really lazy and non-chalant...ABOUT EVERYTHING!
5. My status message on facebook is Tosha is feeling great, feeling good; feeling good, feeling GREAT! and on MySpace it's Tosha is thinking of a master plan!
Enjoyed the fun post! Have a good one!
1st of all, you KNOW I love Love Jones!! You brought out the line in the movie and mentioned my favorite actress Nia Long?? That's 2,000 cool points for you! lol. And Tasha Smith use to do crack... you gotta here her story, I was SHOCKED when I found that out.. ok my turn:
1. Favorite song to have sex to: "Up and Down" by Pretty Ricky (haha)
2. Drag Name?
haha I wanted to say a stripper name so bad! Maybe... Fab-u-lous T?? lol
3. Who would play me in a film of my life??
I would have to say Gabby Union... I absolutely love her!
4. Change about myself?
Putting myself in ppl's shoes better... I have a problem with that one.
5. Status':
facebook- Tiara finally made up her mind... she's moving closer to her loved ones ♥. (I'm moving back to Atlanta yay!)
myspace- Tiara is thinking about deleting her myspace, facebook is sooo much better!
i actually met Tasha Smith in NY this past Decemeber...super nice!
you must not know but I LOVE Nia Long...that is my feature wife (just a fantasy)
girl you are three much.
too bad you in the NYC. we woulda been been kicking it. btw, if you don't mind my asking, how old are you and what do you do for a living? sounds so damn interesting.
im answering your 5 questions on my blogs. go check it out.
btw, your number 4 is on point with mine.
@emeritus - I love how you say I'm "three much" lol
I'm 27... and I work in Music Marketing at the moment but want to do Talent Booking.. thus the reason I am job hunting... preferably in Sports... but any show in entertainment would be ideal
1. Haven't done that since college, but back in the day it was 112's first CD. The whole damn thing. Lawd!
2. Kitty Larrieux Jones
3. If Kelly Rowland could act it would be her since we look alike...or Bird from Soul Food...my other twin...Melinda Whats-Her-Face...
4. I would let fear be a greater motivator in my life.
5. Myspace: I'm the Boss, Applesauce is in need of a good stress reliever right about now.
FB: none
OMG you are the perfect person to answer this question. Once with an ex of mine he played a song while we having a "meeting" and I don't know the name of the song but it basically said "I just want to Fuck You" I've tried to look up this song every where and I want to ask my guy so bad because I know he will know but then he may be looking at me sideways when I ask!
Help a sista out!
Eb! i love this entry and after meeting you last night I totally see the combination of the two being a great marriage equaling you. Do ya thang girl! :-D
For the record, Nia Long is my baby momma, we got like 5 kids! lol
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