I'm talking about this owned application on facebook. I am addicted to it... and now have several bloggers (Trent, AllieNicole, Queen, and Kyle) addicted to it as well.
So if you have no idea what I'm talking about... basically you can buy profile pictures... so you own people and people can own you. The key is to have some pretty flashy photos in order to make a lot of money... So your basically pimpin yourself.
You can also make money by buying pictures and gifting them to other people. The funniest part about this is that I have bloggers sending me messages about being wrong for disowning them, or gifting them... I gotta get this dough ya'll aint nothing personal...lol
So just for kicks I figured I would post the pictures that I have on owned and tell you how much their worth as of right now and the people that own me....my pictures total worth are $1,836,041... click on the pic to make it bigger.

Guess who I caught up with at the Jilly from Philly concert last night...
Oh and I officially have a new BF... he's only 2, but CJ is my lil boo
I guess the BEST concerts take place up north, loll.
i noticed you're owned by a bunch of white cats. what is this, new-age chattle? lol
fa real though, those are some BEAUTIFUL photos, eb. you represent the sistas well :)
i really need to start getting out to the concerts. we have some pretty tight ones here in the atl but i've been too busy to go.
I have never heard of that application on FB. Are you making real money?
Cj's cute!
Never been big on d fb application thingy(mayb ne is scared of not gettin pimped enuf lol)
U look good tho, well worth ur current value.
I saw that craziness on FB but I'm never on there...
and girl, Jill started to really get hot after you guys took off!
AND I KNOW you ain't tryna steal my man! CJ and I bonded... he knows my heart... we're meant for each other! LMAO!!
You are having too much fun...I need to come to NY and hang out with you for a minute :)
I'm about to get that Facebook application, it looks fun!!!!
CJ is a lucky guy:)
"So you're basically pimpin' yourself"...too damn funny!
@nikki - i Know right... and some creepy looking white men too
@MP - girl no... if I was worth 3 mill I would not be spending my spare time blogging...lol; its all in good fun...
@fantasy - its actually the only appl I actually engage in
@jaded - CJ was mine first...lol
@beautifully.comjured - c'mon girlie
@e2deep - hurry up so I can buy you...lol
I'm glad U caught that concert! I was too dayum whupped to hike to Bklyn to "fight wit folk" for a free concert...
i 'on't know 'bout that ownin' thang - What would MLK do? LOL!
What's this facebook feature you speak about?
i 4got all about the concert! my mother in law went then called me @ like 8:30. i'm like what u callin me 4 now? lol btw, u take sum cute pics!
I can't do anymore FB applications, my page is starting to look like Myspace..HAHAHa
I'm mad that you and Jaded are fighting over CJ HA. He loves you both equally...or whoever give him Candy cause his momma won't. LOL
Okay I'm not even going to check about that FB app. I don't need no mo addictions, chile. Look at that cutie!!!
Your make up is ridiculously cute in these pictures....
I would never get any work done if I add that application on my facebook LOL! It does seem cool tho.
Aww Cj Is the cutest!!!
Cute pics...
I am ready to go to a concert
I'm already addicted to facebook.. seriously thinking about deleting my page (yea right lol)..maybe just deactivate it
looks like yall had some fun..I wanna see Jilly soo bad :(
I have no idea what you are talking about owning people. I've never been on facebook.
facebook is pimping people out now? that seems illegal to me.
Eb, put the camera down, girl. LOL
Those pics are cute...but what I need to know is...where did you get that striped maxi dress in the first pic? I need it in my life. Stat.
awwwwwwww... i know the concert was on fire! and cj is such a cutie-patootie!
people have been trying to buy me on MySpace, but i ain't going out for cheap...lol! Great pix.
Your new boo is too cute!!
Don't have a facebook account but damn if a friend didn't tell me [just last night] that she owned me on myspace.
*SIGH* Makes me feel soooooo used!!! LOL
Yeah I observed the same thing that niki did, whats really good with that? Ugh I cant stand creepy, negrophile, white men.....Get tha F out of here Mr. Charlie!! and um are you REALLY getting paid?
cj looks very happy in your arms lol :)
Pimpin folks out...now if we could get real money for this I would be on top of it!! We are in a recession lol..cute pics though
Gaaaaahh I Hate Hate hate hate everything about facebook, all them apps and them dizzy ass people trying to "befriend" you even if the hated you all their life, makes me wanna slap folks! I'm lucky to go once a month IF that, I also killed that myspace shit as well
Aww you and the Jaded Nyer Fun times!
Your new man is too cute :)
Hey Sistah!
Don't you just love the 2 year old BF....you can't help but fall in love with them...we should take our toddler sweethearts on a double date one day...lol
It looks like im the only one without facebook.. can't have folks finding out what i been up to...
lol at ur 2 yr old bf... too cute...
I see that CJ is quite popular with the ladies *proud momma pats herself on the back* I think I may have to print this out for him and put it the book I am doing about his life (for him when he gets older).
Of course Jill would be bangin after we leave. Ah well! We really should get a brunch together though!
Blogging is jumping off the pages. Good to see folks hooking up in real life.
the michigan bloggers are gonna have 2 mount up
1st u and KB now the jaded one?
u really are EB the CELEB
such a socialite.
looking pretty and super-fashionable as always, E
Ladies night no doubt
yea bitch, imma need for u to stop sending me that app!!!
LOL @ Karrie B. I didn't know about that application on FB.
LOL i was wondering why people were talking about I own you ..and you just threw allienicole to trent you pimpin people on facebook lol
Well hellurrr....great blog and beautiful smiles....I will be checking in on ya...
Dallas Black
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