Domesticated. Kinda.
1 day ago
Musings of a 30-something who's personality ranges from millennial to cougar, trying to figure out this thing called life. Unapologetically living it up in NYC, but daily contemplates moving because this city made a lot more sense in my 20s.
1. you post mad late. thankfully, i'm all over that ish like white on rice.
2. as usual you are three much
3. i do the chicken noodle soup dance TOO well. it's not something i admit to. it just comes out ya know?
4. so what's your song?
moments like this remind me of why i been trying to get back to the ny for the LONGEST. then i think about how cold it be in the winter and i change my mind. LOL
look at all the beautiful bloggers!
Looks like y'all had a good time!!
Looks like fun.
It was a lot of fun so thanks for the invite.... but, um, WHY was I DDDDDRRRRRRUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNKKKKK off my a**?? Oh, maybe it was all those shots I did... but whatever, I got my mofongo at the end of the night and made it home in one piece by 2AM. My couch never felt so good LOL
I'm mad I missed karaoke, though! HMPH!
You guys have so much fun!!
blue looks well on u
and u rocking the mic doing the electric slide
happy 45th
Your hair is cute.
Who is the birthday cutie with the brown shirt? I got a gift for him!
LOL! That pic where u got 2 drinks in ur hand is classic alch-y. LOL! But, you were cute so it doesn't matter that you was gooooooooooonnnnnne!!! LOL!
I was just about to mention that your head was not tilted in most of those pics...
New haircut is niiiiice....You look good when you're looking straight into the camera...
I gotta make it to one of your events soon...: )
That was a light crowd? This is the first time I actually thought about coming to NY just to party with you. Hey, you should plan my 40th b-day for me. You got 5 years, LOL.
looks like such a good time! the next time i'm in NY i have to head to wherever it is that you party - you know how to get down! lol :o)
Looks like a real good time was had
Lol, that was cool, the summer aint over for me yet.
@Emeritus - I feel you... its just the song came on and I couldnt hold it
and honestly... I have so many songs... i cant even remember exactly which one it was that came on at that particular
@jaded - sorry for putting you on to the lemondrop
yeah we got real crunk right after you
@torrance - thx!
@southern gal - lmao... that's aden... he's also one of the hosts
@Slish - yes I am extremely upset that you have not made it out yet but thx for the compliment
@realhustla - c'mon so we can get it
@kay* - just holla at me when you touch down
aww you look really happy and like u had a great time..that's what it's all about. Oh, and u were def working all that blue :)
This summer was really great for me 2! Im glad you ended summer 08 having a good time with friends:-)
looks like yall had mad fun. lol that pic with u on the mic and your sis next to u making that face is priceless! lol
love ur outfit mama...that dress is killin it, them lemondrops will get time im in NY i'm hittin u up !
So you know I'm loving the hair, right?
Silly me. I thought I was the only one that noticed you had a signature pose in all your photos. LOL.
Looks like loadsa fun!
LOL @ the straight head in the pic...can see you were trying SO hard!! LOL!
Loving the hair!
LOL! You make me jealous!! I want to PARTAY!!!!
Looks like you had a BLAST...I ammm sooo envious lol and yes I know that's a sin..but I'm not the dress and the hair...that song by Lloyd that's playing I'm a Star where is that from it's not on his new album is it?
Looks like yall had some fun..I need to hurry and get my last hoo-rah in before school starts
can I just hang and pretend to be cool with you just ONE Weekend!! DANG!!!??? the pics are gorgeous as EVAH! i'm always on here stalking your photos and your style...YOU ARE MY HOT GIRL HERO!!!
looked like a lot of fun. i hate that the summer is over
and you did a good job not tilting your head in that pic
glad someone had a memorable summer...mine not so much
that algebra joint it hot!
@AM - thx girlie
@ 1/3 - girl your new profile pic is too fly... are you coming here next week with the sis?
@keikei- yeah girl she was feeling
@queenbee - hit me up girlie
@kayellejaye - LOL... everybody is getting on me now so I'm trying to try new looks... amazing how now the blog world has an influence on how I pose when I go out... I should not be thinking about ya'll arses while I am
@MsHoney - Nope its a cut that didnt make the album... they are so stupid for not including it... that is my joint!
@GG - Now you know you are cool...I cant wait til you and Krush make that NYC trip
look like yall had so much fun!!!
Oh man that looked like so much fun! What color is that on your eyes? I'm sorry my girlie side can't help herself...LOL
Go B.
damn.. yeah.. i'mma definitely need to visit NYC one day. ya'll look so happy and so fun!
you and jaded are retarded! HAHAHA Singing poison.
I wish I could have been there, but mommy duties called. :(
Can't wait to party with y'all!!
Thanks so much for the love and shout out. We took a slammin good pic. Bloggers united! I had no idea there were so many in the house. I had a great time. Can't wait to do it again! You're a ROCKstar.
Maybe one day I'll get back to New York in time for one of your happy hours. Looks like a GREAT time! Jealous!
@ go b - its H.I.P. forgiving 236 but I mixed it with a lil gold shimmer
@foxxy & miss j - c'mon girlies
@f list - yeah we gon have to work on CJ having an emergency baby
@Rich - October isnt coming soon enough
@Kris- thx for coming out!
LOL @ the electric slide
wouldn't be a great night w/o it.
u have a safe weekend too
Damn fam can i get an e-vite or sumthin?! I mean i can take the Red-eye from Austin to NYC.. Yall look like yall did it big..
You always looking too crunk in the pics- I know your ass is live eb lol!
Have a good Labor Day..-Q.
You always have the most fun, and the best songs on your blog. Want to trade lives for like a week????LOL
Hey Ebey...gurl you know u lookin Fabulous as usually and living life to the FULLEST! (hIGH fIVES) That'S right live up girlie because you deserve to be happy and successful and have ALL your wants and needs fulfilled!
Don't have a picture of my shot face, but i truly be lookin crazy like what the heck? And why is this so
Girl you are really up there rocking the mic! Get it girl!
@-q - I try to be... next time your in NYC I'm gon show you how we
@-78 - i'm sure your life is just as live... and if you knew all the student loans I have to pay off...and all the bills I have you wouldnt even think twice about turning down that offer... so as long as the week is around the 1st of the month you have a
Thx freedom- you know your kind words keep me going
You are welcome Eb. In addition, you do not have to worry about keeping it REAL for your TV/Cable Show because you can/will own the network and control what and who is aired on your station!
Look at TV One. You obtain some capital through some investors to invest in your talents, leadership skills, and your moneymaking potential...with God first place in your life...YOU WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE!
lawd...we haven't seen Tray in years!!
Eb, you gotta be top shelf if Tray is your people..your ok with us..cause that is our girl!!
yall look like you were there to party 4 real!!
the Bloggers were definitely in the house!!
be sure to let us know when you are throwing/hosting another party, we'll support !!
Look at you girl!!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait until Detroit bloggers all come together!!
u are very photogenic(sp?). nice pics!
the dress is hot and i looooove your hair!
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