It's all about I, eye, I
Eb's Memes
and decided to revisit it since I am at a different place in my life

I am not: at one with myself
I hear: Jazmine Sullivan's "My Foolish Heart"
I regret: not having more money saved because this recession ain't no joke
I care: more than I should at times about things that shouldn't matter to me
I always: defend myself no matter what the situation
I long to: be in a position that will take my career to the next level
I feel alone: right now
I hide: the fact that I am struggling with my psyche at the moment
I drive: with a little bit of rage
I sing: because I love music but never said you'll like how I sound
I dance: because it makes me feel sexy
I write: because there are things in my head that need to be released
I breathe: because of the grace of God
I play: a lot of card games, Spades, Tunk, Phase 10, Spoons, the list goes on
I miss: my brother who has been in Kuwait for a little over a week now
I search: for my purpose in life
I say: exactly what comes to my mind
I feel: like I need a pick me up
I succeed(ed): by not accepting failure as an option
I fail(ed): when I ignore instances when my mind is trying to balance my heart
I dream: of being a media mogul
I sleep: to escape the world
I wonder: how I got in this current state
I want: my mind, body, and soul to be happy
I worry: that my current stand still is going to lead me to something beneath me and starting from scratch
I have: more bills than income... was grad school worth it?
I give: good
I fight: for things I truly believe in
I am: a Renaissance Black Woman
I can’t: wait to turn 30
I stay: in the fast lane
I will: be the best me I can be
I can: be loud at times
I would: start my own black sports network if I had the loot
I might: look into enrolling in a big brother/big sister program
I like: trying new and adventurous things and traveling to places outside the US
I love: a challenge because it makes me stronger
I smile: when my goofy self takes over my sane self
I frown: when life throws me a curve ball
I read: blogs
I work: to pay the bills
I liked I definitely have to go back and read the original. Do you like your progression, or do you feel as if it should be more by now?
Consider this post JACKED... I likes alot... honesty in its truest (im sure i spelled that all wrong) form....
I agree, beautiful post and yes I jacked it but gave all kudos to you. :) Hope all is well.
I think this is a post everyone should do every once in a while. It gives them a chance to assess what's goin on in the life at the moment. Good one, Eb!
I like this I'll post one too.
@ Charles - I luv you... your always so insightful... yes I like my progression as a person... I think I've learned a lot about myself personally in the last year. But professionally I think I felt I would be farther along. Last year this time I was in my last semester of grad school and sort of felt that after having that degree that things would get easier for me to advance and they haven't so I've been kind of discouraged lately.. .but I'm working threw that.
@everybody- feel free to jack.. I'll look for them
Hey Eb! Going thru this list is an eye-opener. Hmmmmm...I'm not liking some of my answers ....:(
EB, I love this! I'm gonna do one of these when I have the time :(
"I feel: like I need a pick me up"
i think we all feel like that from time to time.
hang in there
i like this, we should should be (or attempt to be) this honest with ourselves
Ok ok...I like this...
I see the growth in you from last years post....
I love the "I long to be....." from last year to "I am" this year!!!!!
great post - it's always really good to see how we've grown!
Gimme back my life! lol
I feel like that a lot of the that just a brilliant, beautiful, struggling to be fantastic, black woman thing??
I regret not having more money saved too.
Consider this jacked.
I guess it's true about Dawn leaving Danity Kane and going solo. I like the song you got post.
I love this post! :-)
Your fast becoming my favorite. I hear your heart in this. I am learning daily that success is totally a state of mind. I too thought I would be further a long in my career, but as I continue to grow, I feel like a successful person. I know you do too :-)
Possibly jacked!
I think you are already ahead of the game because you are doing some good self-analysis. Very interesting read.
Hey Sistah!
This was a great mind if I post jack you? I'd like to see what I would say...
I liked this a lot.... I'm so stealing it. =)
This was soo nice
Seems like everyone else is jacking this, so I might as well do it
"I breathe..." is my favorite line
This was a really nice post...I think this is a good way to track your progress by sizing it up to last year's post. Hang in there honey!
Go B.
It's great that you did this a year ago and did this list again. It's really interesting to see where we were then and where we are now. You are definitely in a different place now.
Love it, seems like you are in a better place now. And we all need a pick me up every now and again.
And right now besides the minute 5% we are all working to pay bills.
I worry: that my current stand still is going to lead me to something beneath me and starting from scratch
Nail hit on head.
I read both posts...I see a huge growth...but it is only natural..we are constantly evolving.That never stops. Your public persona is that of the happy go lucky girl whose party never ends, but I see that beyond that is a very earthy ,sensitive and beautiful woman. I like both personas. I'm really intrigued by the introspection that you're showing in your last few posts.
I like it...I like you.
nice post ebz :)
Andre, damn. I could have wrote that.
"I succeed(ed): by not accepting failure as an option"
Luv that one the most...great answer!
that was cute! i'm gonna go read the original AND i might snatch this up for myself...
@Sha Boogie - OMG.. that describes it exactly... that might have to be my new mantra
@southern gal - dawn was recording songs by herself before they even made the group.. she lives in the studio and even released an independent album before she even tried out for making the band... but we'll see next week when they air the season finale... I think they are just going to kick Aubrey out
@kool.kid.kris - its hard because with my faith I know I am where I am suppose to be in my path right now... but I just want to be further along.. I am struggling with my patience right now in accordance to God's plan
@keith - awe... you always make me smile... you remind me of my grandpa... thanks for all your kind words always
I am: feeling this post.
I will: keep up with ya blog.
I know: mos def put the eb in celeb.
"Growth doesn't only come from the ground. It comes from within."
That's my quote i'm giving to you.
I like this. I am going to do it...may not post it though. It's something to reflect on in the future and see where I am (i guess like you
And I know I forgot my umbrella ella ella.
This is nice! I'll have to do it try it when I'm in a more sentimental mood, lol. And I can't believe you play Spoons! It's so hard to find people who know how to play that
ummm, you know ill be "borrowing" this right...lovin it! just read that marilyn monroe quote on the rail...girl had it goin on! hope all is well!
I'm soo stealing this!
Yep this recession really isn't a joke. We have to save. Designers are MILKING us fabulous people!
Thanks for the inspiration...I'm going to do one myself, if you don't mind. I feel you so much on feeling kinda like "okay what's next?" I'm quickly realizing that maybe this is a time to go inward and be still...
Well...since errbody else is doing it, I'm gonna do it too. Good stuff.
I'm stealing and posting...I like. It's time to reflect on soe things
I totally stole this from you and posted it! Thanks, it was cool...really made me think!
funny how so many peopoe can not ever know each other andfeel the is the whole Quarter life or Nearin quarter life that makes us all agree with this shit? Cuz i kno i saw alot of me in this....
oops ... figured it out, I didn't see the window pop up, lol.
anyhow, i'm following suit - posting this and catering it to me ..
great post - i linked your blog on mine in this posting.
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