So let's have some picture play... YAY!
So saturday night I took a friend of mine (because it was her birthday) to see the strippers... and ya girl Eb won the lap dance contest.

So to play off yesterday's post, yes when there is vodka in the system I can see me giving a white boy some love.

Lately I have really been on this "change my profile pic like every other day" ish. I'm trying to get my flyness on Muze's level. If you have not seen her new profile pic it is to die for. So I just changed my pic again.

Let me know what you think. Maybe I should have a "profile pic off" and ya'll let me know which one you like best because I just can't decide. You know ya girl likes taking pics.
Happy 10th Anniversary ESPN the magazine!
They had a party last night in NYC to celebrate. Of course I went. Here is what I looked like when I left the crib.

But the back...the back is what really makes the dress... Check it out!

And you know I had to give you the "you can get it" sexy pose... Nah just playing I have no idea how to be sexy... I'm too damn goofy for all that mess but here it is anyway

Then when we got to the party, me and my roommate Joy were the 2 flyyyyeeeeest chocolate sistas in the place. Even the white people said it. This one white dude was trying to dance with us. It was too funny, he actually had some rhythm too.

Then me and my dominican co-worker Christina got a flick because we were too fly as well.

Ok... that's all I got today! If this post makes absolutely no sense that means I still have some liquor in my system.
LOL @ "when there is vodka in the system I can see me giving a white boy some love"
Yeah...he was definitely diggin' it too!!!
I like the new profile pic and I love that dress!!!
It's hot!!!
That's a cute ass dress, man!
LOL at the "when there is vodka in the system I can see me giving a white boy some love"
You really did your thing... looks like fun.. never mind my no party self lol.. I'd love to do my thing...
That dress is nice... loving that pix too.. u look good girl!
That dress is faaab!
Uhm, can I get yo roomy's blog address?!
Your dress? It's aw-ight. Sike, naw. It's phat!
And about the lap dance: You nasty. How much did you make? Keep up the good work.
what kinda slackness.....
nice dress
like the shoes too
that is a hot dress- WORK. IT.
Oh- so you work for ESPN? Is that why you yelled at me for going to Fox Sports? My bad, I had no idea...I will rectify lol
"If this post makes absolutely no sense that means I still have some liquor in my system."
-don't you hate when your liver and kidneys and such don't work as fast as you need them to??
Okay, so I officially love your blog. First off, it's purple (my favourite colour) and second, you looked stunning in that dress! Love it!
I have learned my lesson about vodka a long time ago. The sad thing is I don't remember what the lesson was, only that I shouldn't drink it anymore for the remainder of my existence.
I jus wanted to drop in to again thank you for the comment love on my blog....and to also tell look FAB in your pictures!!! The dress is definately on point.......
Ohhh gurl! You in that dress is to fly! Two snaps in a circle for the fabulousness! :)
I see you styling and profiling. That dress is hot.
Love the new profile picture! The dress is bangin' and you two look like you had a blast!
Thanks everybody for the love
@jaded - yes that's why...
very nice. looks like you had a lotta fun. i'm sure that you turned a head or 2 in that dress
lmao @ Jaded NYer
maybe you should do the fantasy baseball with espn now.
You have to admit..hip hop karaoke is a great idea in theory! But hey, I can't control the crowd! I would have gone bowling...but everybody was busy!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress
You looked cute Eb...and Dominican homies dress was FIYAH!!
This post was fine and so is the new pic'
Glad you had fun showin' the stripper up on his
LOL!!! Cute pix!
You betta work that camera, Eb!
@nupe - crazy self, my roomie doesnt blog
and I didnt win any money... aint that a blip... my prize was a shot of tequilla
lol sounds like you had fun. Great Pics.
dress is hot
Eb, i love how you live LIFE gurl, do your thang...the dress is so cute, and the shoes, of course you know your profile pics are always cute. Loving it!
Cute pics! Looks like you had fun:-)
Looks like fun.
Hey definitely look like a celeb in that pic!!! I'm loving you in that dress!!! Looks like you had a great time.
such a BORING life....liar. lol
After I turned 21, I was at the male exotic (they were real particular about what you called them) club almost every weekend. Got kinda old after a few months. I mean, I knew their steps and everything.
I'm digging the dress, esp the back.
I think you can get a profile pic that's like a slide show with up to 5 pics. Don't know how though.
Love the back....u got to teach me some lap dancing moves babes!!!
u look sweet gal, really sexy...
Cute Cute pics!!! Love the dress!!! The back is HOT!!!
that's a baaaad baaaad Dress girlfriend!!!! VERY NICE!
and yeah you was giving it to that whiteboy...LOL
Work it Ms. Eb.. cute!!!!
Me Likey Roomie's shoes.. their red!!!
Slightly enebriated (sp?) blogging is the best!
That dress is too cute.
Haute dress! Am I next for a lap dance???
Eb: I see you are posting pics from your bachelorette party =>
Me likey, likey! Now, when you move over here, we will limit your nights out to just 3 times a week =>
"The back makes the dress."
I'd say.
Looking SHARP Eb baby!
Me like the pics. Me like a lot! lol
ride that pony girl....hahahahah.....
im lovin the black n white dress and your co owrkers dress....cute pix...get it giiirrrllllll!!!!!!
GIT IT!!!! Super-cute dress!!!
and you get on me for my audacity, LOL...psyche nah, that dress is a good look on you, and congrats for winning that contest. That white boy look like he died and went to Chocolate Heaven.
the dress go... io see u steppin out fly as a pelican!
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