A couple months ago... Yung Berg's whack self... tried to bring back the House Negro, Field Negro mentality with his comments, but I'm happy to say that Eric Benet has negated anything that lil ignorant midget had to say and in a way that is the epitome of sexy. Remember the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice, and I've been told my juices are real sweet. Lawd let me stop...1 more week and it will be 4 months since I wrapped my chocolate legs around something and Mr. Benet aint helping me keep from wrapping them around something with this sexy video.
I was doing good too. Not even thinking about (like Bernie Mac would say) DA D*CK! Then I see this video and get all hot and bothered. Pray for my strength ya'll.
i been a fan of the chocolate,i approve this post!
Lmao... praying 4 u.
Lord please keep her in your loving arms and quickly eviscerate all thoughts of *ahem* relations from her young and gifted mind before she pounces on somebody. Thanks.
dammit, Eb! You know it's been damn near a year for me... why you posting this mess??
*side eye*
I'm not chocolate but like you said...shout out to the redbone legs...
I approve this message!
HOLD ON eb!!!!!!! and pray for me too its been rough...LOL
lol @ Chanel's prayer...amen.
it's been going on 4 months..now that i think about it...haven't had any since it became 2009...i don't know whether to be mad or sad...LOL.
you can do it..well not DO IT DO IT but you know what i mean lol!
BIG WHOOP WHOOP for the chocolate covered sisters and the ones who love u!
I am the darkest in my family and actaully never felt anything wrong with it. I even use to tan!
I love this video, and eric is looking good!
I love the song, love the post. I hate that women are divided that way.
I always wanted to be choclate- i liked the way the vaseline would glisten.
Good Grief!! That video!!! NOT.MADE.FOR.CELIBATE.FOLK.LIKE.ME!!!!!!! LOL
Love this song!
Damn I gotta female friend that needs to hear this song.
I haven't seen her in about two months, so I'm hoping she wraps her chocolate legs around me when I see her next week.
isn't this the basis of his "problem?" lol
but yes, i feel ya...it's ben since october....and i'm holding on!
Lmao @ u!!! 4 mos? Maybe you need to call JFresh...his relationship is on the rocks. Haaa
Light or dark...black women neva been out of style. Beleee dat!
Uuuuuh girl thats some steamy stuff. and oh by the way I tagged you!
wait a minute!!! can we talk about the imprint at 4:00 minutes!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
I'm half-past due to wrap my chocolate legs around my him. *sigh* Been loving this song for real.
This video is smokang!!!
love to live; live to love!
Poor Eb. I'm praying Sista.
Well, rather than pray, I will with you some dick instead!!! But only cause I love ya!
LMAO @ all ya'll crazy people!!!
I ain't mad Eb. I'm really not. You know I feel your pain. I went four years before so I have no sympathy for you. :)
I really hate it for your next victim. All I know is brotha better have a STRONG back! Lord knows, you're gonna wear dude out!
I can't believe all of these sistas out here on cold turkey....
Yall better buy a bottle of patron, put Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it on" on the IPOD sound dock and call up your 'maintenance man"
(Most women have a maintenance man..who is called for those special occassions like ,when you be needed some."(smile)
(For tha record...I have always loved the chocolate sistas...)
I've been loving this song for awhile. Maaaaaaaaaan, the video is HAWT!!!!
Wait! Why are so many women holding out?
Love Eric Benet. Saw him on Melrose.
((stands up and claps for the dark skinned sista's))
I remember the time when the dark skinned girls got no burn, and they were the last ones looked at.. Thank goodness the tables are in our favor. NO disrespect to my sisters of the lighter complexion but its our turn.
Girl hold on tight... get yourself a B.O.B (battery operated boyfriend) and you'll be OK! If that doesn't help, then you might just have to TAKE A COLD ASSED SHOWER!!
hold tight girl.. hold tight..((fist in air))
and I just finished blogging, worried about my lack of thoughts about sex as of late. Seeing this video awakened those thoughts in a HURRY. Nice post Eb, lol
Don't worry Eb you're not the only female out there holding on to her cookies...It seems to be a growing trend..Women not gonna do the casual sex thing anymore...I applaud U wait for something real because sex only last 10 minutes anyway after that what else you got...Yeah wait for someone real...
isn't eric benet a sex addict?
irrelevant, i know...
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