In high school (don't judge me, yes I dabbled a little bit in HS) the drink of choice was

Then in college I graduated to


It had to be Special Brew though not the regular St. Ides. Berry and Kiwi-Strawberry were my fav. I remember I got so much gas money just to drive my friends up to the BP to get some even though I was going anyway, but hey... to a broke college student, gas money is gas money. I wonder if I still have that fake ID... lol. I save everything so I bet I have in packed up somewhere.
Then when I started working for the radio station (where all the real drinkers are if you didn't know), my drinking regime took on a whole new meaning. I drank just about any and everything at this time in my life...because the majority of the time, I wasn't paying. So many perks to being on the air at the most popular station in the city. One night I had a drinking contest and did champagne glasses of hennessy in a battle with a football player. I think I did 6 or 7... either way it was 1 more than he could do. I swear I had alcohol poisoning that night... my body was having these uncontrollable convulsions while my head was in the toilet. Drank a load of water and was back to partying... but I vowed that would be the last time I dra

1/2 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Chambord
1/2 oz. Sweet & Sour
3 of these and you were tore up. Then top it off with a Corona with grenadine and lime and you were good for the rest of the night.
When I graduated I thought I was grown and thought part of that equation meant drinking wine. But I hated wine, the only kind I could even stand the taste of was

When I moved to NYC, I converted to getting my grown and sexy, sex in the city on and only drank Kettle One Cosmos. Occasionally I'd do a Kettle One with cranberry and OJ too. But now...

And thanks to by big blog sisters Capcity and Lovebabz I am drinking wine now and not the cheap stuff. Only sparkling ones though. Jaillance and Moscati D' Asti are my favs.

So what's your drink of choice?
I'm boring, so give me a bottle of grey goose and i'm set for the night!!! MD 2020 though??!!! I couldn't mess with it!!
Crown and Ale.
What do you know about Crooked I? lol
My choice drink is Barbancourt Rhum cowboy style.
I keep a stock of Heineken or Corona on stock.
For ladies coming over I keep some type of vodka (Absolute)with a mixer usually Apple Sour.
Well damn, you gets the party started don't you??
I had to laugh at the Cisco because that was my mother's drink of choice. She left half a bottle at my grandma's house 16 years ago right before she passed away and its sitting in my cabinet right now. Thanks for making me think about it =).
I'm a light weight so I don't really have a drink of choice. Anything fruity and its all good.
I'm bout to tell my age but Boones was the drink of choice in High school.
Alize was College and then it became Smirnoff Triple Black.
Now my drink of choice is white wine.
I drink for taste because I have that tasting gene but anything that hits the tongue pretty sweetly is my drink of choice.
LOL I guess we were having the same train of thought last night. Hmm if we're speaking wines I prefer a german Riesling or maybe a Red Rose' though I'm more of a red wine woman give me cabernet sauvignon and I'm good.
But I'd REALLY prefer a chocolate martini.
LOL Everything on here I've never had before besides Kettle One but, I had Martinis lol.
My favorite drinks are Crown Royal when I'm feeling dark 'n lovely, I like Nuvo, too, now. I like Ciroc and Papaya juice, but above all, I'm still partial to Mary Jane!
@kayos- OMG I forgot about the Boones Farm... we used to slow them back too freshman year in; I never did like Alize, it was always too sweet and syrupy. The same reason I never got on the hypnotiq bandwagon
I suck because I can't drink ANYTHING without gagging. Maaaybe a White Russian Kahula (sp) but that's about it. And I can't even drink that half the time b/c of the flippin' calories. I need to man up.
We are kindred spirits! My first drink of choice was Grape Cicso. I was sooooooooooooo drunk that I knocked my drink across the table and fell leaving Perkins(how in the hell did I NOT get arrested for underage drinking!) I then 'graduated' to Boones Farm my senior year in HS b/c I was 'grown'. I also fooled w/ Zima's and put a green jolly rancher in it to add to the taste(whatchu know bout that!)
In college, I decided to start fooling w/ the big boys and drank Hennessey. After having a 'Sin Carnival' (ask anyone who was a Freshmen @ Howard during 1999-2000 bout them) I had to leave the Henn alone...To this day, I can't fool w/ it...
Now at almost 30(27.5yrs) my poisons are Nuvo, cran, pineapple, and vodka or Moscato wine.
You drank Cisco??? Ohhh lawd!!! Lmao!
I didn't take my 1st drink until I was 25 (can u beleee dat?). I had no interest in drinking when I was in college b/c I played football. I dunno how dudes balanced booze and ball.
My drink of choice now...Henny! Henny str8 or henny w/Coke!
Good post
@mzinspired - OMG, I forgot about Zima... and girl I love me some Perkins... yes we are definitely kindred spirits.Glad to hear I'm not the only one that had a bad experience with the henney... and you gonna have to explain this carnival
@kyle - let me find out you were a late bloomer... that's why your such, joking... but what kind of football player were you... ALL football players drink... ALL OF "EM... they were the first ones to hit the bar at parties... even in the NFL its rare you find one that doesn't drink...
LOL @ Cisco. I dranked that along with Brass Monkey, White Mountain coolers mixed with gin, and Private Stock.
I never could swallow the MD 20/20. I just told my age in this comment, lol
Aside from the Cisco, why did I feel you were telling my drink history? Lol.
I didn't think ANYONE else drank purple hooters. Me and my girls used to drink those up! Tall glasses too.
And folks always look at me strange when I order a Corona with grenadine. They don't know what they're missing.
I have yet to find a wine that I thoroughly enjoy. I might try your suggestions though cuz it seems like we have the same tastes in liquor.
I was drinking Mad Dog in high school.
And you forgot Boone's Farm!!! That was my first drink at 15. My mom drank it and there was always some in the fridge. She never knew it was missing.
Wow you put it down huh? I like real fruity sweet like drinks. I hate to actually taste the alcohol so I stick with stuff like Midori Sours, Pina Coladas, and Amaretto Sours. And any mix of Vodka and juice that I taste more of the juice in. Goose and pineapple prolly being my fave.
I wasn't much of a drinker until my mid 20's. And I started with mixed drinks like Tom Collins and Fuzzy Navels. I moved up to drinking Vodka and Barcardi, I tried to stay away from the dark liquors. But now I'm back to mixed drinks and Coconut Rum.
No you didn't say St Ides. LOL
I didn't drink in high school. Got drunk for the first time, my freshman yr of college. I was drinking gin. We use to down some Seagram's Gin and Juice Blue Beast. To this day I can't mess with any type of gin. I can't stand the smell of it.
Mad Dog was in rotation too. My friend use to say "you get drunk for cheap" drinkin MD 20/20. We were broke college students. Those $2.50 bottles went a long way.
I can't forgot about Wild Irish Rose. Another cheap drink. One drink had you on your ass.
Now I drink mostly martinis and any type of vodka (not the cheap $5 bottles we got in college) but with OJ, papaya or cranberry juice.
The only wine I truly enjoy is Riunite. Lately, I've been trying wines but have only found that one I can stand to taste. I'm going to try the ones you posted.
Ahh I remember Mad Dog 20/20 it was cheap and we could get toasted. ah the college days. Oh yes and boones, can't forget boones
Now I am a martini girl, I prefer a dry martini no olives but there is only one place I go for that. If I'm at the club I'll drink Grey goose and orange juice. vodka is my drink of choice, or a mojito (seasonal). If I'm having dinner I am a sucker for Pinot Noir or Pinot Grigio, I'm a lover of wines but these are my favorite.
I try not to do all that sweetie sweet stuff because I always feel a wreck the next day, all dehydrated and what not.
Girl, I thought I was bad but you just as bad. I would have to say Vodka so I'm about to GET UP on that sparkling Vodka. My faves are Rain adn Ciroc, but at the house on stock I always keep Smirnoff to mix drinks and stuff.
Yes I provide gues with the libations but not my special. I'm just like a bar and the house vodka is SMirnoff! *lol*
TOM A sister made me a great little drink the other day when we were watching the Texas game. It was pomegranate juice, pineapple, OJ, and coconut rum. It just needed a umbrella.
On vacation I flavor my coffee with baileys. Vacation one goal for me is to be not sober the WHOLE time.
Girl let me get my LUSH self off your page.
I'm still
I love Amaretto Sours.
Bay Breeze
Miami Vice
anything from Fat Tuesdays/Wet Willie's (miami *tear*)
HAHAHAH!!! My mom used to work for St. Ides, as their accountant... she quit after she found "The Lord" LMAO!
My drinking... eh, I've weaned myself off of alcohol after this crazy summer I had, but in my heydey I was a very simple gal:
Beer, Rum, Whiskey, Tequila.
All that other stuff is a distraction from what I wanted: to get F*CKED UP! no fruity things, no mixes, thank you... give it to me straight, and if I see even ONE ICE CUBE in that glass, we fighting! lol
not anymore, though... now I prefer water...
Oh wait- I almost forgot... that yeat that I taught at that boarding school for special needs girls... I drank Bailey's Irish Cream like it was my job with one of the other teachers. Almost 3X a week one of us would visit the other with a bottle in hand, talking 'bout: "It's a Bailey's night!"
I had to quit that place just to save my liver! lol
i've been lookin for ur link for AGES now!!! i was really really lookin for the post with the lady who kept starin' at u and ur crew everytime u laughed! lmaolmao! damn!
LOLOLOL@ CISCO!!! aka LIQUID CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... omg! them shits were like $1.99!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!
fyi.. only alkis want to actually TASTE the liquor in a drink... me personally.. i love red devils.. it has more liquor in it than a long island iced tea... and there is a rule about long islands... bartenders are only allowed to serve ONE long island.. per hour.. and 3 for the night... THAT'S IT... and a red devil has more than THAT! but I'm telling u... try one... shits is craaaack!... after 1.5 im good! seriously!
Well since growing up in upstate NY with a bunch of the lighter persuasion. I started dabbling in 8th or 9th grade! LOL! All while playing soccer, bball and track! I started drinking Goebel beer, Mad Dog 20/20 and Wild Irish Rose then on to Cisco, Old Grandad,Yukon Jack but I've always loved Vodka! When I got to college it was either a beer, Vodka,Southern Comfort,Flaming Dr. Pepper Shots or Tequila. Every once in awhile I will drink a SoCo and Cranberry but my drink of Choice is Vodka and 7up with a twist of Lime! I don't drink Goose,Belvedere or Ketel One! I usually drink Stoli but my favorite is Chopin(made with potatoes) but very few places carry it! I used to drink Ciroc when it first came out 6years ago but now that Puffy has chose to endorse I see it going down hill!
I've always liked wine and will drink at dinner. I'm a Merlot or Shiraz chick. But do like a Pinot Grigio or Riesling.
Oh yeah I forgot about Zima and Brass Monkey! LMBAO!!
I keep it girly and classy with apple martinis, cosmopolitans, and blush wines...sometimes I might have a mojito or the classic rum and coke (vanilla coke is best).
Other than that, I'm cool.
Grey Goose & Tonic, 2 limes.... or a nice Merlot or Chiraz... but I love love love beer.... go figure
I used to bartend so I'm all about my dranks. My faves:
French Martini
Lemon drop
Grand Marnier & pineapple
Wine...Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Riesling, Gewurtstraminer.
Beer...Corona, Blue Moon, Heineken Light
I could do a whole blog on my drinking past too. LOL.
Eb this is too funny. I just bought a bottle of Nuvo because i thought it would go well with the decor in my I opened it up over the weekend and ohhh weee --I was on one by myself listening to John it is definitely the business.
@ieisha - girl purple hooters are that thang... no one knows what the hell I'm talking about when I say it in NYC so I make sure everytime I visit NC that I get me one
@laughing808 - lmao @ the fuzzy navels... we used to kill them little wine coolers too back in my freshman year of college
@southern gal - Lawd ya'll are bringing back so many memories... I forgot about wild irish rose... used to tear them up too
@ f it - I'm a vodka girl too... its the only thing I can drink all night and be tore up and not be hung over the next day. Vodka does my body good!
@OG - you have to try Nuvo. I had Mizrep and Sheletha on it when they came to NYC for Blogger's Delight so they can vouch.. its good!
I never did like bailey's though... nasty! I remember my peeps in college used to kill that and that E&J casker creme. That mess was nasty as hell to me. They also used to kill that gold slager and that crap tasted like a sour peppermint to me... I hated it.
@jaded nyer - I cant hang with you... unless tequila is in a margarita, and unless rum is in a frozen rum runner... I aint messing with it... Can't do them joints straight...
@socialedisturbed - yeah red devils are good too...never did like long islands
@Shelly - lmao # southern comfort... damn forgot about that and Zima... forgot about that too... whew... them were the days
@kgb - OMG how could I forget my lemon drops... I get them a lot too... actually had Jaded NYer and Dollface on them joints at one of my happy hours!
Moscato is my fave wine. The only one I will drink next to muscadine wine I tried at a winery.
French Martini, Amaretto sours and Grey Goose and Red Bull.
Grey Goose, Kettle one or Ciroc! Straight with a water chaser.
p.s. i had some Apple Boones this weekend in a wine glass!
gotta keep it classy! LMAO!
When I 1st started drinkin...I only drank sex on the I cant stand the stuff.
My drink of choice is whiskey & coke lmao..i prefer canadian whiskey rather than jack daniels.
Oh and give me a margarita on the rocks any day!
I'm a simple gal:)
I had a kamikaze (sp?) over the weekend and that may bcome my new fav.
HS-Boones Farm
Now- Amaretto Sour's and Moscato w/Tropicana peach juice (try it!)
Damn, this just made me want a drank. Eb you alki you!
*shakes fists*
i'll admit it Eb, i'm that friend that you go out with and doesn't know what to order! lol i use to say "i'll get the same as her" then i'll get the drink and realize what she was having i couldn't handle! i just started back trying to have a drank and this wine has been a hit!
Riesling...not for sure if it's considered cheap but i like it! :)
@Monique - I went threw a french martini faze too but most bartenders dont know how to make it right... everytime I got one it would taste different so I stopped
@Soultress - OMG, how could I forget sex on the beach... I used to kill them in college too!
@ms. lovely - I am not claiming that "Alki" title... I like to call it social! alki's sit at home and drink by themselves at least 4 nights a
I used to stay on MD 20/20, that and Bones Farm.. lol I've never had that Nuvo stuff but I hear it's the truth.
I drank all of that stuff except
Cisco...I never heard of that.
Yes, when I first started dabbing with alcohol, I too hit MD 20/20 up and Special Brews. A corner school by my middle school used to hook me up because I looked over than most.
My drink of choice now is a Vodka Sour,if you keep em coming I can do em all night long. I've been dying to try Nuvo, but only because it's my favorite color.
Oh yea, I had a little incident with alcohol poisoning and it was no jump.
Md 20-20, Boones Farm and Wild Irish Rose were the cheap drinks of choice when I first started drinking.. Now of days..A Pineapple
Rum with Coke is my thing..and my wifey has the Ciroc with Cranberry
juice. Back in the day I was trying to get drunk, Now of days I'll settle for a mellow buzz.
Shhh - don't tell anyone - but I only like fruity drinks - lol...chambord is the shiznit!
Strongest thing I drink is orange juice, so I'm lost in the sauce (no pun intended)...but peeping your adult beverage journey was mighty interesting!
omg cisco->liquid crack..high school and never since...
moved on to thug passion-->alize n henny(listening to too much tupac lol)
then early college, pickin up after my ex, e&j and redbul-->apparently that equals crunk juice....
now grand marnier n pineapple is da business, top it off with some apple jacks shots and we good to go!
I'm so lame when it comes to drinks I usually do a flavored vodka (typically green apple or grape) and cranberry or grapefruit. Or I'll do rum and pineapple and sprite.
I recently went nestalgic from college and did midori sour- taste like koolaid!
What up, Eb?!
I'm a martini girl...but they have to be pretty martinis...cosmos are good, but so are chocolates and strawberrys...
Oh the college days? We won't even go there...
I can't believe you would admit to drinking Cisco. I still can't remember some weekends because of that mess.
Now, I stick with my usual, Crown & Coke.
MD 20/20 that shit is the worst.
There is a drink in Cali called pink lemonade it got vodka cranberry juice lemon juice and sweet and sour in it's great.
But when I want to have a good time I gets down with 1800.
Yes Eb Bailey's is acquired taste but in coffee its perfect if you take creme in your coffee. Coffe takes the kick away. I now drink it with a splash of coffee creamer when I drink it, but I usta hate it too.
Try it in coffee it will be how you take your coffee on vacay from now on!! TRUST. Ok maybnot TRUST but try it. *lol*
I got so sick off of 2 cups of MD 20/20 my last day of freshman year. I was trying to show my boyfriend that I could drink with the best of them and wound up sick for 3days lol.
My drink of choice used to be Patron with lime and Southern Comfort with lime but it seems like ever since I got married my tolerance for alcohol has went down to smirnoff and malibu :-/
No wonder you crazy EB..girl aint you know Cisco was liquid crack..LOL
My drink of choice is a french connection
Courvosier and Grand Marnier
It differs with the crowd I'm with.
If I'm on a date and want to appear smooth: White Russian.
If I'm on a date and it's wiggedy wack: Jack & Coke.
If I'm on a budget: Courvoisier & Apple Juice
If I'm tryna get lit: Patron
Heeeeyy Ms Marvelous
@Krush - lol... it was HS maaaaaannn
@Dessex - That sounds like it would be good
@ OG - I'm probably the only person in the world that does NOT drink coffee... I cant stand the mess... I have tried so many things at starbucks and will still take a hot chocolate over coffee any day
@Poca - hahahahaha... I didn't have that much... I was an athlete... I just dabbled a bit at a couple
@mr. smart guy - lmao @ jack & coke being the lame date drink.... exactly how does that get you thru?
I tried Nuvo for the 1st time last night and I almost off'd the whole bottle myself lol.
It was good and went down smooth...! This is def in my line up of drinks.. Right next to a Cum Shot lol..(tht's an actual drink lol)
I love most drinks. Those Ciscos just craked me up. I remember those days. That was in high school though when we were being sneaky.
Sparkling Vodka. What a great invention! I HAVE to try it.
I like Gewurztriminer by Fetzer, I think I had like 3 bottles this month so far. I don't club.
Otherwise, champagne, love it. I had to Mimosas for dinner last night.
Off of the record of life (LOL)
Jose Cuervo is my dude, so anything tequila-based is ok with me! I haaaate vodka tho...My fave libations are:
-Amaretto sour
-Pink Panties!
ps are tequila sunrises good?
you took me waaaaaaaay back, Cisco That was the ish, taking bout getting drunk mmmmm!!
I get's down on classic Cuban Mojitos and melon Mojitos, a good old fashion hurricane, Remy and Punch, and that 151 punch gets me right!!
Now wait a minute. We are the same age and Mad Dog was waaaay before my time! I remember my sister drinking that mess when SHE was underage drinking...and she has us by several years! LOL
My drink: French Martini (these days on that rare occasion) Riesling, or mimosa
Now you bringing it back! My drinks in high school also were Cisco and MD 20/20. We used to drink them together in some empty parking lot outside of clubs cause we were too young looking to get in. Dang!!
Drink of choice now? Besides beer, I'm a Heineken lady, I like vodka in just about anything. Don't really have any set drinks I regular but vodka will usually do. Also red wine. Haven't found one yet I don't like.
Girl don't feel bad! We STILL drink Lambrusco!!! LOL!!!!! Although I like finer wines, Lambrusco is still nice and tastey and I'm not ashamed to break out my mag-sized bottle for 12.99!!! Y'all is expensive 16!?!?! dang we can get Kendall Jackson for two more dollars here. LOL! Of course I can't have any of ANYTHING thing until I drop this load I'm!
i fucks wit a corona, red stripes, malibu rum, and manichewitz wine.
@Ness - I'm not trying anything called cum
@real hustla - def. try nuvo
@lucky - I had cuervo back in college when I would drink anything but would never touch it now...What are pink panties? and I have never tried tequila sunrise
@she word hustlez - yeah I rocks with mojitoes every now and again but I cant stand when the mint leaves get caught up in your straw so its not often
@dollface - we going to have to get your drinking stamina back up
@veronica - I'm glad I'm not the only one that was dranking
@karrie b - you dont know nothing bout that MD 20/20... you too young.. back in the day it was the
WOW....I drank so Cisco back in the day (or AKA liquid crack). It was cheap---what could I say :-)
Now I drink, Kettle One gimlets up or Charbay green tea vodka mixed with Sake --- Sake-2-me
Moscato white wine. Unless I'm at a club then it's red bull and vodka. My mommy status makes me fall asleep at clubs, so I need red bull and vodka.
@ Eb,
Pink panties is vodka, ice cream, and lemonade, I think. They're so cute and since they're not hardcore you can drink a whole bunch!
I actually love that Lambrusco. Its the house red wine at Olive Garden.
And I tried Nuvo the other night....lets just say that's my new favorite thing!
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