So every once in a while we all get in a rut... either nothing is going on in our lives or we just don't feel like blogging about it. Sometimes we read posts and wish people had delved further. So I am taking the time to ask the blog world what they would like me to blog about. What they would like to hear my opinion on, or a previous post where they felt I should have given a little more info because you were left puzzled.
Of the responses I will choose a couple to make posts out of. Got it... ok... good!
Also here's the time to vent... tell me what you like about my blog and what you don't. I know some of you don't like my music (12kyle) well so what... I don't care... I like it... but I do want the majority to have the best experience they can have while here so I have made a couple changes recently.
Also what types of posts would you like from me more, and what type of posts you would rather I not touch on...lol
Just looking for a little constructive criticism. Don't really know why I am asking because regardless... I'ma do me...lol
But whether or not I honor them, I do value your opinions. (Prime example... when I did the post on my new hair cut... Flyyest dymed me out on them eyebrows... I really didnt even notice because my eyebrows are naturally arched, I just go get them cleaned up every couple months and hadnt realized it hadn't been since the first week in feb when I left for Hawaii.... Boy I ran to get them touched up right after you said it...lol... so thx for looking out girlie)
Anywho... tell me how you feel... because this inquiring mind would like to know.
u have such a great voice, you should do more posts that feature it.
i also enjoy the fact or fiction.
other than that, just keep up the good work.
fact or fiction....is that still going on? but pretty much whatever you post i always read even if i don't comment, so it's whatever.
Just keep doing you...that's why it's YOUR blog, lol.
Maybe you can feature a post that links to your other blogs from time to time...I know you have other ones, but I always forget about em. My bad, lol.
how you gonna single me out? lol. it's all good. i just mute the music...that's all.
it's your blog. do what you wanna do, lil sis. make your blog as if nobody is gonna read it but you.
more poetry
I like it the way it is even if I don't comment as often as I should.
I second what 'brittany' said... Your blog is very entertaining. (And I love the playlist!)
ok 12 kyle is crazy(sorry Broham)! Love the playlist!
I think your blog is very entertaining even when you are just venting or ranting about what is going on. real topics would make it a little dare I say BLAH!
you can get to putting together the NYC Meet up, I'm available Thursdays and Saturday HAAHAA
Chiming in with the rest, do you! That's what makes it your blog, your voice.
The playlist used to make your page load really slowly. Now that the pictures on the side are gone it's much quicker. Not sure if it has anything to do with it...
My faves are the Fact or Fiction and the picture posts. You and Karrie B inspire me to come out of hiding, but I'm scurred.
I love that picture you have of LeBron James at the top of this post.
Jus' playin. I want you to not be so into looks but look at the real character of men. So, maybe do a post about WHY looks matter so much to you.
anyway....i love your style and what you write about....
whoever dont like it need to stay the eff away from your ish!!!!
i stay on your ish cuz im lovin it!!!!
I never got the impression that looks were a huge deal to EB. But let's be real...physical appearance does play a big roll.
Eb, I love the blog and what you bring to the blog world! Your post are usually funny and keep a smile on my face, I love when you post pictures and tell us about Eb and what you have going on in your daily life. I like to relate and feel relaxed so when you are being that down to earth, loving and living life Eb I can relate! lol
Keep doin' you, we love it! :)
lol i love the blog! wouldn't change a dern thing except maybe some more pics... (i know i hesitate to add em on my blog) but they make stories sooo much juicier!! lol
and ur music is GREAT..i dont always like the songs but i DEF appreciate the selection!!!
much <3 ma!
Girl, F us!! =) This is your blog!! =) I'm going with a lot of the other peeps that said "Do YOU!" Who cares what we want to read about!!??!! This is not burger king!! =)
@ Rich - not really big on the whole utterz thing... but thanks for the compliment... I will definitely try to do some more Eb-TV or audio posts
@ everyone who loves fact or fiction - I am going to try to do that as often as I can... they are really hard though... I have to really prepare and sit down and think them out and write them well... I usually just sit down, log on to blogger, type whatever is on my mind, and push post... so sorry I havent been as consistent with fact or fiction as I would like... but I am going to try to get it in at least 2 fridays per month
@12kyle - you know you my bruh...but i will definitely try and include some more poetry
@the F list - we are definitely going to do something before the summer is over... there are so many boat rides... we have to do some sort of blogger boat ride on the hudson
@kayellejaye - dont be scurred....lol
@Zack- lol... lebron is a funny looking somebody... I didnt think I looked so much at looks when it came to men... I am big on personality... but I think a person's appearance it was initially intrigues you about them, or is the platform for you getting to know their personality... but I will go in detail on my post tomorrow what I prefer when it comes to men and hope it helps you get a better idea of what I like.
@Seven - thx for having my back... I didnt think so either, and after my post tomorrow people may really think I am all about looks but so be it... I prefer what I prefer.
@malibu - lmao @ this is not a burger king
Thx everyone for the feedback!
Hey Eb! I enjoy reading your blog as well, but like others I don't always comment.
I do have a question though....you may or may not use it as a blog topic....anyway.....what is typically your first thought at sunrise? I guess I'm saying what do you think about most at Rise & Shine??
girl aint nuttin wrong witcho blog..and bein tha tuff mind that u r, u wouldn't change it anyways..
I wana see a why I love swag post..nah I'm kiddin lol..
but all in all, ya blog is a representation of u, and I feel like I kno u more cause of it.. big ups!
Step it up on Fact or Fiction Fridays...I'm ready for the next one! LOL!
Nah...but I think it's a consensus. We all come because you write what the hell you want to write about.
Hey Ma! I'm not really sure what you should post on - but I say this, don't blog for other people. Do it for you. Let that feed the reason you do what you do - when you do that, you can never fail or get into a rut. Enjoy your Monday!
oh, I don't like to tell people how to run their site; I enjoy coming here, so just keep doing you and I'll keep stopping by to point and laugh ;)
Indeed, do you. I think visiting pages are an OPTION. Don't like, choose not to click. lol
Your blog is the shiggidy don't change shit, or skip some days, but always post what you feel.
But on some other shit why does that pic look just like a chick I know.
I think u shud do you, thats what makes ure blog different...which i love.
i like everything i see here, you definatley have to post more pics of yourself, u have a good sense of style and u r very pretty
and your poetry is really nice, definatley more of those
i used to have problemz with peoples music but now i just go straight to the stop button(problem solved)...u have good taste in music, dont get me wrong. but uno
but watevs, do you
@ Swag - you know me so well... but i do like to know what people are thinking whether I acknowledge it or not so that's why i asked
@fresh&fab - awwwee you just made my day... thx for the compliment... its nice to hear that I'm pretty since I dont think so... I mean I know I'm cute but pretty just seems a bit much...at least for me to look at myself that way so thx!
i'm just coming in to be a cosigner ont his one...lol
I saw write for you...that's what I do...i appreciate that people actaully are interested enough to return or comment but even if not one person read my blog i'd still write everything that I write because I do it for me.
This is YOUR outlet, your area for individual expression. Do what feels right! :-) I love your blog!
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