Nightline Face-off "Black Women: Find a man"

I know the debate is getting old. We all know the statistics, and for the most part we've heard all this stuff before but it is good to hear the views of different people. Sherri Shepherd, Jacque Reid, Steve Harvey, Hill Harper, and sit down to go in yet again on the subject. Why can't successful black women find a man.

Settling with men and staying with men with cheat and how most women are single because there are 95% of women are all searching for the same men when there are only 5% of that type of man. Also on miscommunication between black women who are giving each other bad advice.

"Real men are not intimated by successful women." They break this notion down. The key word here though is "REAL" men. Many men are intimidated by it. Steve rebutts and says no some men just back off because they aren't in the place they want to be.

In this next portion they tackle dating potential. Meaning dating the man that doesn't have it all together but dating a man that you see the potential in.

Now after all this did we get any answers??? Did we get to a point where we understand each other any more than we did beforehand??? I THINK NOT!!! So where do we go from here?

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