Thought to Ponder
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Thought to Ponder

Everybody's at war with different things...I'm at war with my own heart sometimes.
-Tupac Shakur
Sidebar : I have a crush on the saxophone player at my church and I don't even really know what he looks like. Never seen him up close because I sit about 3-5 rows from the back of the church. I am too embarrassed to look at him when I walk around for the offering and I never linger after the service but I really have a crush on him. Don't know if he's married (remember I haven't gotten close enough to see his face so I definitely haven't seen his hand.) At first it was a joke between me and my roommate, but after last Sunday when he got off the sax and sang a solo, and then the butterflies I got when he was playing during praise and worship today... I think I officially have a crush. I do not need any distractions when I am trying to go get the word... so please Lord take it away... rebuke that spirit that has me fantasizing about Mr. Sax when I should be praising you.
haha thats happened to me plenty a times-just not at church lol
that's one of the many reasons I used to justify my MIA status from church.. I mean everytime I go I see beautiful women and I can't concentrate on the word, cause that lurst is a mutha!
I got to agree with that my mind is not the lord, it's on Sister Lucy's behind.
LOL, I have a slight crush on the guy who plays the drums at my church....I used to go to high school with him....maybe it has to do with the fact he is auditioning for the dont know
It must be the music because I have a crush on the drummer at my church too, he's just FINE!...the Lord knows my heart :)
Just try to remember, you feel the same way about 20 other women in that church house do. Musicians are hot in any scene.
Yeah, i had the same problem with the bass guitar player...until a friend of mine told me he was married.
HaHa! Not you being shy! get close and look at that finger!
But actually I think it's just a musician thing. Women ALWAYS seem to have a crush on the music man!
Oh Eb.... BWAHAHaHAHahhAhahahahahaha I'm sorry girl but I'm cracking up thinking this is the WORST place to get cute in any way form or shape at
Ain't nothing wrong with a church crush. Just more motivation to get out of bed on a Sunday morning. I've had plenty!
lol...I hope you can still get your worship on inspite of the crush. Maybe get your friend to sneak a picture with their cell phone and then you can get a close up.
I can so relate to this...I once had a crush on the praise and worship leader at a church back home - of course he was married, too. If you are in the mood for a little love story, come by and visit me - tell me what you think...
EB.... sometimes God puts us in the pathway of the one that might be the ONE that HE has for us. God is LOVE and praising him is LOVE in action.
He just might be showing you someone who WILL love you back how u want 2 B loved because this man loves HIM first!
i know u don't know him to know all that... but who knows you just might hit that marriage date by 30 after
Take Care
As long as those thoughts are pure while in the Lord's house....ain't nothin' wrong with that.
MAYBE...maybe...GOD IS...God is...TRYIN'...tryin'...TO TELL YOU SOMETHIN'...
I have been there...I caught my self lusting after a certain defensive back during Easter services last year...can't tell you anything about the service...but I can tell you how good *blank* looked.
But on the cool, he might be single, and it might be for you to look in his face and learn his name...
Hey Sistah!
You've done the right thing by asking God to help you stay focused while in church....Did the crush come from the sound of his music?......
So funny! But um, if he's cute - then ain't nothing wrong with a little crush.
lol.. you need to get a good look at him before you can have a crush. Maybe you need a nice choir boy
Lol, oh no girl. Please hold it all together, loll.
...nothing wrong with crushing...
If I were you, I would find a way to make it to him, and make small talk just to check him out. Tell him you like his music or something...
LOL, I'm mad at never seen him up close (and aint been close enough to see his finger). Let me find out Eb is SHY.....
ok for real are you trying to hit up erykah, you and Jaded have me thinking a sister needs to make it happen.
aww - I love crushes - go for it!
Ok, maybe I missed it...but Eb... can you tell us why u cut Semipro off? How did you come to the realization that it was time for him to exit? All I remember is that you cussed him out in your tipsy state of mind. Lol. Blog entry please? Lol.
I have a crush on the assistant minister at the church I go to while at school...He can't help but get attention from me. All eyes on him on the 2nd and 4th Sunday, lol.
Bless your heart! LOL. Just remember while you're there.
Well Go make conversation.. nobody said it had to be anything more but talking about the lord....
lol crushes at church make it so hard to concentrate so I feel you.
I think if he's peeked your interest you can at least introduce yourself. No harm in that:-)
LMAO! Know you wrong sittin up in the church house having impure thoughts!! Lol.
Yeah, I'm truly going to be praying for you... I don't want Mr. Sax to become Mr.
Have fun!
Intimate Outings of Love
talk about tell the truth and shame the devil, i'm not mad at u though cuz i've had plenty of crushes at church. praise the Lord cuz the Word of God always draws my attention while the pastor is preaching. afterward, i'm back to fantasizing again :)
welcome aboard flight 666 straight to you-know-where!
would you like a warm towel?
woman u got a dif crush every week
good thing is u admit it
have a great day folk
and i got them Vonbitch shirts for dogs LOL
Eb-- this is too funny. i have a crush on our drummer so i know where you're coming from.
LMAO @ u Eb
***SIGH**** My security crush left -- i think he was re-assigned:-(. I really had a crush on his deep chocolate smooth voice: When that Brother said, "Good mornin', Sistah." I.Would. ABSOLUTELY. MELT!!!
at my old church, i always had a Sunday morning crush. granted, it was someone diff. each Sunday, but a crush all the same. lol... at my new church, i haven't had that same "problem." hmmm... that's probably a good thing.
og girl only you would be distracted from the word. but no worries. i officially began liking older men at church. i straight up fell in love with an elder when i was 11.
ps: blogrolling you
I too had a crush on the sax player at church!!! LOL! Then one day the preacher announce the arrival of his new child with his wife. Nevertheless it was a good thing, I was feeling guilty about crushing/lusting after a man in church! LOL
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