And I gotta hit you with one more... because we have to stop being "Common B*tches" LMAO!
Hit me up in the comments with questions that you would like me to ask her and/or subjects you would like me to address and make sure you tune in this Sunday night at 8pm.
i'm a huge fan of hers, she's mad funny and she's sexy as hell. you should ask her personal questions, she probably seen and done a lot in her life to have such a strong opinion about sex and relationships. definitely DO NOT ask her general questions about sex and love or whatever, we already seen and heard that. you should try to figure out how she got to this point. like, "What was your worse relationship and how did it affect you in the long run?" That's a perfect question. you can have that. that's a freebee.
wow these two videos already got me hooked i been youtubing her for the past half an hr. she the truth
I've heard of her...I love her..She's as funny as hell and good looking too.
I got questions but I will have to send them to you privately....not on here...hahaha
I can't be on your show? Don't you know we would be tight together lol.
@jay - definitely want to take a diff approach and you jogged some great ideas... thx
@oyin - def email them to me then
Bossmack - you know I looooovvee you... for real... you're on next month... hit me up offline so we can discuss the topic and I want a t-shirt dammit...lol
Ahhhhh..I loves me some Alexyss! i'm def gonna be listening!
That chick is off the chain...been watching her vids for like two years now. Hilarious
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