If you frequent RBW you know I dabble in the poetry world and hope to publish a small collection one day. The Jaded NYer reminded me that April is National Poetry Month and tonight I'm going to be a guest on her BTR show talking about poetry, my favorites, how its evolved, etc. Make sure you tune in
So many bloggers have inspired me with their gift of lyric, but I wanted to especially give MizRepresent a shout. Her pieces always touch me in a special place. Make sure you check out her poetry blog here.
Who are some of your favorite poets, old and new, dead and alive, and what are some of your favorite pieces by them? Let me know in the comments!

So the Question for Today is...
Who are some of your favorite poets, old and new, dead and alive, and what are some of your favorite pieces by them? Let me know in the comments!
Oooh, I have so many, but most of my favorite poets are
Of course nikki giovanni
Def poets like Georgia Mae, Black Ice, Lemon, Poetri, Scryil & Riva
And also Kesh, and my own poetry crew
Supanova and precious
(I know that's a lot)
Nikki Giovanni: Choices and Ego Trippin
Robert Frost: Fire and Ice, Birches, Nothing Gold can Stay
Pretty much everything by Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou
Ooooooh, where do i start!
"Flowers" and "Being Boring" by Wendy Cope (and just about everything she's ever written)
"This Be The Verse" - Philip Larkin
"Twelve Songs" W.H. Auden
"Coat" - Vicky Feaver
Anything by Langston Hughes, ee cummings, Christina G. Rossetti...girl, i could go on!
Anything by Langston Hughes and Nikki Giovanni. My (new) favorite poem of the moment is 'Love's Deceit'(the poem that was recited towards the end of ATL)
OOh this is easy.
Hands down number one fave poet is e.e. cummings- she being Brand new
#2- saul williams- fun She
#3- mayda del valle- seduce me
honorable mention nikki giovanni- choices. i live by that poem i swear.
Nikki Rosa is the shit, hands DOWN, son! Seriously, I love most of, if not all of her work, and Margaret Walker's For My People is a personal fave as well as the Road less Traveled by Robert Frost.
Please check out Josh Bennett on youtube. The boy got some serious fire.
damn Nikki Giovani has it hands down from everyone.. including myself. She's just fabulous, can't forget ms. angelou (Live by her phenomenal woman poem) Langston is the man in every way shape and form,
many of the def poet, Black Ice (my fav)
And the list goes on and on, and on...
Maya Angelou, has to be my favorite, she's so poised and classic.
Gil Scott Heron and Nikki Giovanni
are my two favorite poets.
i love labi siffre
see him here:
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