2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you’ve nominated
1. Ms. Lovely - Just the name of her blog alone, CHILE PLEASE! you know its going to be a riot. She truly tells it like it is. I can always relate to what she has to say. Plus her blog is purple and I kinda wanna jack her background...lol.
2. Very Smart Brothas - If you haven't been hip to blog game to the Champ and Panama Jackson you are truly missing a treat. I am kinda addicted to these brothas. It's like free therapy because somehow they always blog about something I was thinking and give great advice. I nominate both of you to be on an episode of Black Men Revealed... and I swear if I had a contact at TVOne I would let them know.
3. Sha-Boogie - She and I have to give an honorable mention to her significant other Snappy are the absolute funniest couple online. I love checking in to read about their new adventures. They truly need their own reality show. The details are so vivid that I feel like I am a nanny cam in their house. Even in all the craziness... I envy what they have...
4. Sass - I can just relate to her. Every time I go to her spot she is talking about something I was just thinking or something I just blogged about, or a song I just listened to. The key though is that she has her own little Sassy way of putting it on paper so her name is truly fitting.
5. The men of Urban Observation but especially Urban Thought since he's the one that comes to RBW to show me love. But truly they remind me of all my boys I hang out with in real life, from their everyday randomness, to their poetry, I can relate everything they say to the feelings of someone I know in real life.
6. One Soulful Negro - First and foremost I love coming to his blog just to look at the design. He probably has the best banner of anyone in the blog world. Every time I go there I find something different in it that I didn't see before. Then the way he writes. Almost every post is points are numbered so it makes it easier to read, but what really gets me is his passion. He really writes from the heart and is not afraid to put it all out there. He is a lover, and he writes so eloquently about what love means to him.
7. The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor aka CLNMIKE - Honestly and truly, I go to him everyday just so I can get hip to game when it comes to this crazy dating world. I love all the diversity that his blog brings but the relationship posts are the best. Whether he is building his perfect woman, talking about his dating whoas, or trying to set the independent woman straight... I love and value his opinion even if I don't always agree.
Now for those that I didn't mention don't go getting your boy shorts and boxer briefs all in a bunch. I try to highlight a different bunch of bloggers every time I do this and these are the people that I am really feeling right now. But you know you are my peoples... if you are in my sidebar under blog brothas and sistas then you are my peoples... fo' real! Love ya!
Happy Hour 2moro at Covo Tratoria... I've already had like a dozen bloggers hit me up and let me know they will be in the place to be. I look forward to chilling with those who've made a point to hang with me a couple times this summer as well as those who I will meet for the first time... PEACE AND CHICKEN GREASE!!!
Good stuff Eb... I'll be checking these out! ♥
my self www.yawehrobin.blogspot.com
oooh yes! I visit the Very Smart Brothas every day, too... guaranteed to always have good stuff on their blogs daily!
I'm already a huge fan of both yourself and ms. Lovely...but I will be checking out these other blogs...and thanks for showing me luv on my blog 2!
Omg..sorry i'm all late :(
Awwwwwww...Don't I feel special!!! I've been blogging a lot lately and I love discovering new blogs and getting diff opinions from my blogfolk. Seriously, some of the advice yall give have gotten me thru some situations. Thanks for the love (everyone)
Ok, imma get to my list and check out these blogs before I get lazy.
CHILE PLEASE! I loves me some Eb!
cute logo...
and umm like i need ANOTHER blog to read.. *off to update my reader*
love your blog selections! i've already got mike on my roll, though. see, HE'S what happens when atlanta men TRULY represent.
I'm just happy you even mentioned me.
I'll go an update my roll. I see some good peeps on your list.
eb...you are to kind. i don't even know what to say.
i am still trying to get back into the swing of blogging and commenting. i hopefully will be caught up by this weekend. life has just been coming full force.
again thanks for the love. it means a lot.
Peace and chicken grease to you!!!
Lol, my bad for being late to the pary, I am truely honored.
I don't need another blog to read but I will check these out.
Damn Eb, you are always hyping me to some new and entertaining blogs on thenet. Thanks sistahgirl. So, when's your next Atlanta trip?
Cool blog ma. I think this is my first visit!
awwww thank you love! I'm honored. no really.. i am! : ) I'll probably be swinging by your happy hour tonight with tola from kindofdope.com
Eb I appreciate the love. Thank you very much. I'm sure DSM feels the same. He doesn't stay on the PC very long to come around to folk.
Keep doing the great things you do and sharing your thoughts on life.
Can't believe you shouted me out. You're a 10.
Say word?!
That's mad cool of you, Eb!
P.S.. gurl, you can have him! Snappy is nuts..so nuts!
Hey yo, are these nominations or are these winners?
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