I'm sure you've heard of her. If you havent you should. Pentecostal televangelist and women's empowerment lecturer,

a true Renaissance Black Woman and she was attacked at 4:00 AM in an Atlanta airport hotel parking lot -- by her estranged husband, Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III! Yes, I said it... a Bishop. Now I am not going to judge here... just because he's a Bishop doesnt make him holier than thou and oblivious to temptation but this is just plain crazy. According to police, the couple fought in the parking lot until a hotel bellman stepped in and broke it up. Bynum told police that her husband "choked her, pushed her down, kicked and stomped her in the Renaissance parking lot." Ms. Bynum is also an author. 1 book that really blessed me is "no more sheets" Make sure you pick it up, or read it again if you have it already. I am about to re-read mine since its been quite a few years since I read it the first time. My mom gave it to me before I left for college... and I really wasnt trying to hear the message then but I am ready now!
1 comment
Definitely sad!! I am really praying for her.
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