You should be my girlfriend

Yeah I don't know if that's how you are asking people that you want to take the current situation to the next level but that's how I was approached and men wonder why I don't take them seriously.

Especially from someone that I'm not even dating. We just have an arrangement. If you know what I mean. So it completely took me back and I didn't even know how to respond.

Other quotables from the peculiar conversation that I would have completely dismissed if it was in the middle of the night hoping he was drunk, but that wasn't the case. It was the middle of the day.

"I care about you and I wish somebody like you could or would love me"

How are you suppose to respond to something like this when you are in a situation with a person where feelings aren't suppose to be expressed?

"I would go hard for you... but are you loud, and I still love you"

Wait whaaaaaat.... how did we go from caring to loving in a matter of 2.5 seconds. Of course I didn't give him the response he was hoping for. In my head I don't even feel like I know him well enough to be his girlfriend. Or to even have feelings that strong. Again, we haven't dated. Just friends for a couple years that along the way turned into friends with benefits.

"You're such a nigggggggga. You're either gonna give me a baby or a headache."

Bwhahahahaah now I am starting to think the dude might have smoked something. Where the hell did that even come from?

"I could handle you. All you need is attention, hugs, and an ear."

It takes a little more than this but he is definitely on to something here. I'm still not convinced of the idea of us being a couple and expressed that to him.

"I'll love you regardless. I am hurt though. We could kill the game together. But you don't want to be anybody's girl. And you're loud as f*ck"

Here is where I shut down. I know I'm loud as hell. Why is that even a topic of discussion. LOL

Either way this convo has had me sitting and thinking about what I really want. Some might think this is sweet but in no way is this man an angel. The reason I can't take him seriously. At the end of the day though, what man is? It seems that my tolerance level is at zero when it comes to men. He might be right on me not wanting to be anyone's girl. My wants, my needs, have changed so much in the past couple of years. Things that I thought were important no longer are. All I know is that I need a man that will take the time to work for my heart. There are no bells and whistles or hoops to jump through but I've heard a lot of things in my lifetime, and hearing a man say he loves and/or cares about me doesn't have an effect on me in the least bit. I need to SEE that you love and care about me. Until that happens, you're damn right I don't want to be anyone's girl. I have yet to find the man that shows it. My life consists of the men that speak, text, or BBM it & I've numbed myself to believing any of that banter.

So I guess time will tell if this one decides to show it. Or if that other one that recently told me that he misses me after being out of my life for a couple months will SHOW not just speak that he wants to reclaim his spot. I got a feeling 2011 is going to be extremely interesting since I've been laying low dating-wise for most of 2010. Not sure I'm ready for it either.

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