2010 = Breaking All The Rules

Remember at the top of the year I made a vow to go outside my normal 'type' and try some new things. My whole "All Shade Of Men In 2010" campaign. Was suppose to date every shade of man under the sun and ditch my obsession with the chocolate ones. Well its November 1st, only 2 months left in this year and I've breaking a lot of rules, most of which were not in the original plan but eh, I had a good time doing them. Here's the rules I've broken so far this year:

1. Let a nigga know I liked him before I knew for sure he liked me. First time for everything and I won't ever do that shit again because they act a straight disrespectful fool.

2. I kissed a smoker. And not one that smokes the green, one that smokes Ports. My grandfather that died from lung cancer a couple years ago was probably turning over in his grave.

3. I got me a redbone. Everyone who knows me knows that I am all chocolate everything but there was 1 redbone that can say he has been the 1 and only to get some love from Eb.

4. I boned a dude our first time chilling. It wasn't even a date. Just a night out for drinks where we both ended up having too many and I took him home. Thank God he wasn't an asshole the next day but of course the ish came up later on in a convo and all of a sudden in an argument I turned into a hoe. He wasn't worthy of me explaining he's the first ninja I ever boned on the first night anyway so in his head I can stay a hoe. I don't need to prove myself to anyone. This is actually a double rule breaker cuz it was an "industry dude" and I don't even do industry dudes. Smdh! 1st time for that one too.

5. Emotional Drinker Eb made several appearances. I thought I had buried her. She has always been apart of my life. Thinking too damn much about too much and letting it all out when I'm drunk. And/or holding something in that has been bothering me and then not addressing it until I'm drunk. I had not had 1 of these in 2009 so I thought that part of my life was over but every once in a while people get under your skin and amidst the middle of a nice happy hour your mind starts racing and you pick up the phone for a twitter rant, phone call, bbm or texting war. It happens to the best of us but I'm trying to keep these to a minimum. Happened way too many times this year.

6. I kissed a boy with long hair. I don't do locs, braids. None of that mess. I do not like my man to have more hair than me so I don't even know why I teased the man with a kiss. He has nice lips though and I won't say neva eva eva date one that has long hair but his charm is going to have to be impeccable to make me forget that he has hair on his head. Brush cuts and baldies only around these parts.

As you can see I got off tangent and never even got me a white or latino boy. I got 2 months left though LOL and its winter boo season so feel free to throw them my way. Teeheehee!

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