A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy.
~George Jean Nathan
Men love because they are afraid of themselves, afraid of the loneliness that lives in them, and need someone in whom they can lose themselves as smoke loses itself in the sky.
~V.F. Calverton
I just might be s-o-l.
Very insightful quotes. There was a quote I saw(I can't remember if it was on your blog or someone else's) that said " A man hasn't given a woman his heart until he's told her not only his dreams but his fears too".
I definitely agree.
Ill drink to these.
How about... "No one can truly (without a doubt) speak of Love and what Love is, until they've acknowledged the Love of God."
- Mr. Socialight lol
those quotes are beautiful...can't really vouch for em...men be on that bullshit nowadays...
That second quote...is deep. I don't know about being afraid of myself...but damn the rest...the illness...
So, now we get bashed in an empowerment blog? lol
Bullshit isn't gender specific, believe me.
hey miss Ebby, just had to check-in.
i had to scroll past all the "mens" on the page...geez. Is this site G or X rated? Anyways, be you boo.
Nice pics from the book outing....classy like only Eb can be...
your boy
Dallas Black
@mzinspired - yes that is a good one as well
@the socialight - is that really you? seems like I heard that one before but if it is all you then kudos!
@dallas clark - my site is PG-15...lol
it's just truth. I made that version up on my own. kudos accepted. lol
...I like. Not feeling so insightful myself today.
BTW my favorite DK song by far :)
Hey Eb. You have an award over at my place so stop by and pick it up.
i agree with the first quote. all the way. having been on both played the role of the woman who makes a man "electrified and enkindled" as well "tenderly drowsy", i know that (in the end), guys prefer a girl who makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside; a nice a girl.
Wow - quote number 2 is the one I'm going to take as the motto for my man. wow.
Good quotes.
Love the quotes! I have so much catching up to do. LORD!
Damn...you popular....LOL.Thank you for commenting on my blog though.That really means alot to me.
Greta quotes especially V.F. Calverton.
I'll co-sign the second one. That's a beautiful way to describe it.
Great quotes hon!! and the pic is hott!!!
LOL - hmmm....very interesting.
Those quotes are real talk, especially the second one. I need to send that to Mr. Big.
I'm really feeling that second saying- "Men love because they are afraid of themselves,afraid of the lonliness that lives in them, and need someone in whom they can lose themselves as smoke loses itself in the sky." Wow- That was something to think about. Something I and no other guy would ever articulate ,but would know to be true just the same.
I've found some men are not as tough as they appear. Their hearts are more fragile than a woman's
I believe both the quotes are true...too bad alot of men wont admit it. i think men are alot more sensitive then they let on..
both of these quotes are brilliant and on point.
That is all.
Amen to both quotes!!
Hey Sistah!
Very interesting quotes...that picture is dope!
Good quotations!
Agree: "I believe both the quotes are true...too bad alot of men wont admit it. i think men are alot more sensitive then they let on.."
But lol @ mr. slish
i cosign Nathan and Calverton
Torie Michelle: men are alot more sensitive but we're just not aloud to point it out or they will hide it even more so...LOL
Eb this is nice...short and sweet but I'm believing in these quotes for sure.
men and women love be cause it is a blessing and honor from god to do so....torrance stephens
really diggin this pic! also, notice the woman in the pic he's "tenderly drowsy" with....@ the 1st quote.lol
loving the calverty quote
That Calverton quote: YES! YES! YES!
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